Jeffrey rejects the appointment of the PAS representative


KOTA KINABALU: Hours after describing the decision to appoint a PAS-designated Assemblyman as a “no problem,” Datuk Seri Jeffrey Kitingan (Photo) changed his tone during the date.

The Chief Deputy Minister and President of Sabah STAR said that any party that is not compatible with the multicultural ways of Sabah should be rejected.

This was just two hours after he downplayed the appointment of Sabah PAS secretary, Dr. Aliakbar Gulasan, as one of six Sabah assembly members nominated.

Yesterday he told The Star that Aliakbar’s appointment was not a problem as it did not involve a state cabinet position.

“For me, a nominated assemblyman plays a small role,” he said.

In a later statement, Jeffrey congratulated the newly formed state cabinet which he said would bring prosperity to Sabah, but said Aliakbar’s appointment opened the state government to criticism.

“PAS leaders have repeatedly issued statements that altered the feelings and sentiments of multicultural and multi-religious Sabah.

“This statement, however, should not be construed as an attack on Aliakbar’s personality. I am aware of your public disapproval (Aliakbar) of a PAS leader who made an erroneous and sensitive comment on the Bible in Parliament.

“The comment deeply offended Christians in Sabah and Sarawak and Aliakbar, like Sabahan, is in touch with reality in Sabah,” Jeffrey said, reiterating that the problem was with the Islamist party and not with Aliakbar.

Jeffrey said that ultimately the appointment of designated assembly members was the prerogative of the Chief Minister.

“Aliakbar is an appointed assemblyman without ministerial functions. He has not been appointed to the State Ministry of Native Affairs and Laws as DAP and Warisan speculate, “he added.

DAP had claimed that PBS and STAR Sabah failed to stop the inclusion of a PAS representative in the state assembly.

DAP’s Kapayan Assemblyman Jannie Lasimbang claimed that both party leaders had previously promised that this would not happen.

She challenged both parties to “do the right thing” and withdraw from the GRS government.

To this, Jeffrey said: “If you watch the news and videos of the past, I was commenting on the Minister’s post (Law and Native Affairs). I said that it was not true that a PAS representative would occupy the position. “

Meanwhile, Aliakbar described his appointment as a historic moment for the party that did not have a chance to compete in the last 16 state elections.

In a statement, he thanked the state government for its inclusion in the state assembly, and said it was a first for PAS.

He also ruled out the negative perception of his appointment.
