Japanese parliament elects Yoshihide Suga as new prime minister


Suga rises after being elected as Japan’s new prime minister to the lower house of parliament in Tokyo on Sept. 16 (AP photo)

TOKYO: On Wednesday, the Japanese parliament elected Yoshihide Suga prime minister, and the former chief cabinet secretary is expected to strictly adhere to the policies advocated by Shinzo Abe during his unprecedented tenure.

“Based on the results, our chamber has decided to appoint Yoshihide Suga as prime minister,” Lower House Speaker Tadamori Oshima told parliament after the votes were counted.

Suga, 71, scored an easy victory, garnering 314 votes from 462 valid ballots cast in the lower house of parliament, where his ruling Liberal Democratic Party has a dominant majority with his coalition partner.

He bowed deeply as lawmakers applauded after the announcement, but did not immediately comment.

He is expected to announce his cabinet later Wednesday, with local media reporting that he will retain several ministers from the Abe government.

Suga has said he will prioritize keeping coronavirus infections in check and boosting Japan’s economy and has vowed to continue Abe’s key policy programs.

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