It’s home sweet home for the trunk family, thanks to Ebit Lew


Preacher Ebit Lew high-fives eight-month-old Kirthana Devi, sitting on her mother Parameswari’s lap as they shop for electrical items.

GEORGE TOWN: The family that lived in the trunk of a car and survived on the water from public toilets can now live in a proper home, thanks to famous preacher and philanthropist Ebit Lew.

Lew came to the rescue of a family of five who have been forced to sleep in their car for the past eight months after their home was razed in April. Their plight has touched the hearts of Malaysians here and abroad.

In a Facebook post today, Lew said he drove to Penang from Johor Bahru and got the family of security guard Ganesh Soundarajah a rented three-room house at an undisclosed location.

Without stopping there, Lew also bought the family new appliances, such as a refrigerator, television and rice cooker, and other household items.

He also promised to pay a month’s rent in case they manage to get their apartment to rent from the government. A Penang government official told the FMT that Ganesh is expected to obtain the keys to a new rental apartment on Rifle Range, Air Itam, on Monday.

“Ganesh and his wife couldn’t stop thanking, they were crying. They kept asking me, ‘Why so many things, Ustaz?’

Ebit Lew with the Ganesh Soundarajah family looking for appliances for their new home.

“I said, look, I slept well, I ate well, but I can’t bear to see people living in the trunk of a car,” Lew said.

Ganesh, 33, his wife Parameswari, 32, and their three children cannot afford to live anywhere else. Ganesh has applied for public housing but has not received any response from authorities, they claimed.

When contacted, a delighted Ganesh thanked FMT readers for their kind donations in cash and in kind through the FMT helpline.

However, he said that Bank Simpanan Nasional had “locked” his account and that he was unable to withdraw money or even verify his bank balance.

“I have received calls from people as far away as London and Japan who asked how they could help. All I said was, I need a home. “
