It’s a shame we don’t know what shame is


Shame is a very powerful human emotion. When experienced with integrity and in the right spirit, it leads to a period of introspection, critical analysis of why you felt that shame in the first place, and then corrective action to ensure that you don’t experience that unpleasant emotion again.

As a surgeon, if a patient I have operated on dies, the first emotion that strikes me is shame.

No disappointment, no anger, not even a sense of resignation that death occurred despite the team’s best efforts. I am ashamed to have disappointed my patient. It is a shame to have disappointed the family. Too bad I destroyed your children’s dreams and aspirations. And it’s a shame that for the next few days, at least, people, innocently or not, stopped me in the corridors of the hospital and gave me that kind of knowing look as if to imply that I had done something unforgivable.

Malaysia is a blessed country. Good location, abundance of resources, a warm and friendly climate, free from large-scale natural disasters, and a generous, intelligent and compassionate population. But only blessings will advance our country!

Look around us. People who have allegedly committed or who have actually committed serious crimes are still strutting like peacocks. Without shame.

People have no qualms about flaunting their ill-gotten wealth as a vast majority of Malaysians, especially during this pandemic, are struggling to make ends meet. Without shame.

People twist and turn facts, figures, opinions, and mindsets to remain seated in the corridors of power. Without shame.

And people fan the flames of doubt, suspicion, anger, and resentment using tools that are actually designed to unite to divide and conquer. Without shame.

We seem to walk the roads of our country without realizing the fact that we should be repairing them for our children in a better Malaysia. And his sons.

It is time for us ordinary Malaysian citizens, the “rakyat”, to take stock of our country’s journey.

  1. Have we reached the key performance indicators (KPIs) that we set ourselves as a nation?
  2. Are we in a solid financial position?
  3. Have we charted the career paths and goals of the next generation of Malaysians?
  4. Are we doing enough to protect, maintain and enhance the physical, social, mental and emotional well-being of our people?
  5. Is there a strong and sustainable succession plan to prepare the next generation of young, courageous and dynamic leaders?

In my opinion, the answer to all the above questions is a resounding NO. Shame!

Perhaps the time has come for all Malaysians to explore and embrace this powerful human emotion called shame. Comprehensively experienced, it can only make us better people, a better nation. Sadly, many of us don’t even seem to know what shame is.

What a pity!

Dr. Venugopal Balchand is a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon and FMT reader.

The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.
