It is worth accepting the faith of others


KUALA LUMPUR: A better understanding of the religions of others can help foster unity, say several religious leaders.

“I hope we can change our views as religions can unite the nation and its people,” said Malaysian Christian Federation President Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim.

“All religions teach the betterment of society, but sometimes problems arise due to interpretation.

“Conflicts arise when individuals or groups fail to better understand the religious practices of others,” he told a Rukun Negara forum yesterday.

He said understanding neighbors’ religious practices could help avoid tension.

“The important thing is that we can practice our respective religions while respecting each other,” he said, citing the forum as an example where religious leaders were able to sit together and discuss matters rationally.

The Deputy Secretary of the Hindu Sangam of Malaysia, Gowri PS Thangaya, said that the first principle of “believing in God” should not simply be recited as part of the Rukun Negara.

Mutual Respect: (From left to right) Gowri, Leow, Sedar Datuk Institute advisor Dr. Dominic Lau, Mohd Asri, Santhara, President of the Malaysian Federation of Taoist Associations, Dao Zhang Tan Hoe Chieow and Sing.Mutual Respect: (From left to right) Gowri, Leow, Sedar Datuk Institute advisor Dr. Dominic Lau, Mohd Asri, Santhara, President of the Malaysian Federation of Taoist Associations, Dao Zhang Tan Hoe Chieow and Sing.

“It should be instilled in the lives of Malaysians at an early age and it should not start in schools but at home,” he said, adding that this responsibility should be assumed by all Malaysians.

Perlis mufti Datuk Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin said that there might be disagreement in the beliefs of others, but that it was important to respect the religion of others.

“In the national context, there must be room for one to practice one’s own religion,” he said.

The head of the charity and welfare department of the Malaysian Buddhist Association, Ven Sing Kan, reminded Malaysians to avoid using divisive words or resorting to hate speech and lies when it comes to religion.

“We must develop the correct discourse, which is constructive and beneficial to instill unity,” he said.

Earlier, in his speech opening the forum, Deputy Minister for Federal Territories Datuk Seri, Dr. Edmund Santhara, said that Malaysians should understand their own religion and that of others.

“This will bring a better understanding and respect between the communities, resulting in a stronger unity,” he said.

He cited efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 as an example where Malaysians had come together and adhered to government rules with an open heart, despite restrictions placed on gatherings in places of worship. .

The Rukun Negara was instituted by royal proclamation on August 31, 1970, as a means of fostering unity between the races, in the wake of the race riots of May 13, 1969.

Various programs and events are taking place to celebrate the occasion this year.
