It is incorrect to say that teachers ‘blindly eat salary’ during MCO


Most teachers say their main challenge is ensuring the presence of students during online classes.

KUALA LUMPUR: Complaints by some netizens on social networks about teachers “makan gaji buta”, which translates into “receiving a salary for doing nothing”, after the closure of schools during the movement control order (MCO) and the Conditional motion control order (CMCO) is difficult to accept.

In addition to being accused of being paid for doing nothing, netizens are also suggesting that the government involve teachers as front-line workers, even to control obstacles.

This accusation not only questions the professionalism of the teachers, but also hurts their feelings.

This is because teachers face new challenges in fulfilling their responsibility to educate through home teaching and learning sessions (PdPDR).

A survey of 1,742 public and private primary and secondary school teachers found that the “makan gaji buta” accusations against teachers are inaccurate.

A survey conducted last month by the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) showed that 85% of teachers stated that they spent one to four hours a day doing PdPDR activities, and the remaining 15% said they spent more four hours a day. doing it.

Regarding the teaching methods used, 37% of them took the lessons online, 16% offline, 45% online and offline, while the rest said they went to community centers to distribute and collect notes, exercises and assignments given to students.

UKM’s Azlin Norhaini Mansor, who led the survey, said the findings showed that most teachers performed their actual assignments during MCO and CMCO according to the schedule they were given.

“There may be questions about why most teachers teach less than four hours a day. According to the explanation given by the teachers, their real task is not only teaching, since there are other tasks that they have to do related to administrative work.

“These include monitoring students and their assignments, providing teaching aids, recording attendance data and other tasks as directed by their respective school principal or principal, as well as the district education office,” he told Bernama here.

In the survey, she said teachers also shared the challenges and limitations of doing PdPDR or home learning (HBL).

He said that 80% of them stated that their main challenge was to ensure the presence of students during class, followed by challenges for students to adapt to the teaching methods, their needs and preparation, in addition to ensuring that students can focus so that you understand and enjoy the lesson.

“In addition to that, about 70-80% of teachers spoke about the problem of internet stability, usability of teaching devices such as computers, phones, tablets, student learning space, and parental support.

“Other challenges that threaten the credibility of teachers, include Astro, Netflix, video games, which can be accessed anytime for free and are more exciting for school children, especially teenagers,” he said, adding that a report full survey on survey expected to be ready next month.

Azlin said that in terms of education, it is inappropriate to blame teachers just because there are so many things that need to be considered, including the mental and physical health of students who have been “homebound” due to the MCO and the CMCO, awkward space and residence, family conflicts, and other issues that could disrupt student learning.

Meanwhile, the rector of the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Mohammad Shatar Sabran, said that the negative feelings and accusations of netizens against teachers are mainly due to their failure to understand the duties and responsibilities of teachers.

He said that it is wrong to think that teachers are paid a salary based on their presence in the classrooms, because teachers have many challenges and burdens, especially during MCO and CMCO, to ensure that students continue their learning at home.

These include preparing teaching notes, documents, etc., before teachers can begin their teaching and learning process online or offline, he said.

“Can we say that the firefighters are getting paid for doing nothing because they don’t put out fires, or the same for the police because they don’t catch thieves or criminals?

“So even though the schools are closed, there are still classes or conferences, and that doesn’t mean that the teachers just eat and sleep. They continue working as usual, especially in the preparation of notes, which they share with their students ”, he added.

