Ismail Sabri’s libel lawsuit against Anina will be heard in October


Ismail Sabri Yaakob alleges that Anina Saadudin had attacked him 13 times on Facebook in a personal capacity.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Supreme Court has set October 1 to hear a lawsuit brought by Defense Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob against a former Umno member and founding member of PPBM, Anina Saadudin, for defaming him in his Facebook posts.

Attorney Ragunath Kesavan, representing Ismail, said a court order issued to his client ordering Anina to remove all posts would remain in effect until the outcome of the trial is known.

Anina, who was present, told Judge Mohd Firuz Jaffril that she had no objections in the case. She said she would lead her defense.

“I can’t afford a lawyer because I’m just a homemaker,” she said, adding that she also presented her defense today.

In the statement of the claim, Ismail said that Anina had attacked him in a personal capacity 13 times between February 5 and March 3.

Ismail, who is also a vice president of Umno, claimed that he had ridiculed and exaggerated him by posting statements and videos to “damage” his reputation among the public.

“The publications had nothing to do with government policies and the plaintiff’s duty as a minister,” read the complaint brief filed on March 5.

He said Anina’s posts, among others, gave the impression that Ismail was “weak, cowardly and feminine.”

Ismail also wants a permanent court order to prevent Anina from posting her statements and videos on other social media platforms.

He demands an apology and an unspecified amount of damages from Anina, a former Langkawi Umno member who joined PPBM and later also left the party.
