Ismail Sabri: Police officers to patrol residential areas and villages to ensure Deepavali standard operating procedures are followed


PUTRAJAYA: The police will patrol residential areas and villages during Deepavali to ensure standard operating procedures (SOPs) are adhered to, including the maximum number of guests at the facility, says Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

The Defense Minister said that this exercise is similar to the one carried out during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration.

“I hope the public complies with the SOPs. For those who intend to cross districts or states, I advise you to renounce your intentions because the police will not allow it and will order you to back off, ”he said on Friday (November 13).

Ismail Sabri insisted that there is no difference in the SOPs placed for Deepavali or any other holiday celebration.

“All the rules are the same for all races, religions and holiday celebrations,” he said.

Those celebrating Deepavali Saturday (November 14) in MCO recovery and conditional areas can have up to 20 guests, depending on the size of the house.

Those in improved MCO areas can only celebrate the holiday with those who live in the same house, without guests.
