Is there a better leader than Anwar for a ‘reboot’?


YOUR OPINION | “There is a shortage of suitable PM material leaders in the Harapan bank.”

Harapan sources: meeting canceled due to concern over call for ‘political reboot’

FairMalaysian: Let me be frank: like it or not, the opposition will never be able to take a united position without opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim or PKR. Anwar may have his flaws and who may not.

The president of Warisan, Shafie Apdal, is a person who does not understand what democracy is, nor is he immune to the customs of the person who overthrew Pakatan Harapan: Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

The unique and new experience of parliamentary democracy where BN lost its two-thirds majority and when it finally fell in 2018 was the combined effort of the opposition.

If there are flaws, let’s be honest about it. GE14 saw the PKR as the party with the most deputies. Second place went to DAP. While I am saddened to say this, Mohamad ‘Mat’ Sabu’s Amanah party, which was supposed to bring in a higher proportion of elected representatives, failed miserably. Mahathir’s group performed even worse.

It is unclear whether Anwar is helping Umno and Perikatan Nasional (PN) to resurface, as alleged by Lim Guan Eng and Mat Sabu.

The way I see it: when you can’t destroy your enemies, use your enemy to destroy their enemies. When coalition politics is becoming the norm now, it may be better to be Umno rather than Bersatu or PAS.

I wonder what the three new “children” (Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching, Bakri MP Yeo Bee Yin and Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh) are hiding when they talk about a “new Hope“.

Who could be their new hope: Shafie and Mahathir, or could it be Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and PAS Chairman Abdul Hadi Awang?

There aren’t many players that these people can compare to. It would also be the same for the Malaysian parties. Another election with a slim majority is going to ruin the future of this country.

If there is some form of viable solution between Umno and Harapan, it can sideline the extremist Malaysian parties and allow a stable government to emerge.

Blueshark1548: @FairMalaysian, the best of Anwar couldn’t get Putrajaya back. If he had given his best, let someone else try, as the best of the next person could win Putrajaya.

Just as the PN wants to depend on the old men, should the opposition be the same and depend on a 75-year-old man?

It is clear that Anwar, on the advice of his close friends, has decided not to resign. And with Anwar at the helm, the opposition would be divided as before.

Harapan would have no chance of taking Putrajaya as even if the coalition and its allies win, they cannot agree on who will be the prime minister. Anwar would insist on being PM; otherwise, it would withdraw its MPs from the PKR.

He must resign to allow PKR and the opposition a chance to win Putrajaya. Once Anwar leaves, the opposition will rally and there will be less politicking by Anwar’s supporters, many of whom should also resign.

Dr. Raman: Lim and Mat Sabu have finally made the right decision. You said the right words: focus on allies and not backbenchers.

Anwar trusts Najib Abdul Razak and Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, that is obvious. They are using Anwar as a vehicle to escape judicial charges.

Please follow him. Anwar and his followers will resist and give silly reasons, as if all decisions are made jointly. You will be surprised how little support Anwar has within his PKR.

Anwar has had every opportunity. But he keeps fooling us all. If it is good, sincere and religious, it will give in.

OrangePanther1466: In fact, Anwar is the obstacle to a united opposition. Anwar simply doesn’t have the leadership qualities, and his strategies have mostly resulted in balls on his face. Malaysia deserves better leadership and Anwar is not the one to provide it.

Like it or not, Mahathir’s leadership has succeeded in getting the entire opposition and independent MPs to oppose the third reading of the budget, but it fell short by three votes.

It was a good effort but, unfortunately, none of the PN deputies had the conscience to do anything honorable.

Let’s face it, there is a shortage of suitable PM material leaders in the Harapan bank because the PM candidate has to be a Malaysian.

Talking about young leaders like Nurul Izzah and Rafizi Ramli is pure fantasy. Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has good potential, but maybe in GE17.

Shafie is the best bet given his extensive experience in government as a former minister, deputy minister and prime minister. He has a good profile in the federal government after being fired from Umno for speaking out against 1MDB.

For me, the best candidate would still be Mahathir, but he is close to 96. At best, Mahathir can serve for six months as interim prime minister. After that, who?

Everyone can continue to criticize Mahathir for his alleged past deeds, but will that help the opposition’s agenda?

OrangePony5652: New Hope? Possibility of fat. Shafie has yet to prove that he has the support of the majority Sabah kadazans. Try it out in your home state before making a foray into the Peninsula.

He didn’t have the full mandate to rule after GE14, he took frogs that leapt through the divide. But then, he lost in the recent state elections.

Shafie needs to convince more kadazans to stay with Warisan. He is aligned with the mastermind of the CI Project, the former prime minister who never gave two thoughts on development in Sabah. It’s a long and winding uphill road for Warisan.

Just a Malay: PKR has strayed from its original goal. Azmin Ali was the first to show his true colors as a false reformist. Anwar began to show his opportunistic side when he was prepared to work with Zahid and Najib.

Even the evil mastermind, Mahathir knows where to draw the line with the two most corrupt people. Mahathir is never clean, but he knows where to draw his line in his strategy. Anwar is everywhere without a clear strategy. A reboot is very necessary for PKR.

Mushiro: If there is a better leader in the opposition, better than Anwar, who can come together, lead and strategize to win the next election, then the opposition parties should elect that leader.

Otherwise, join behind Anwar, give him your full support and work with him to fix any issues and move on.

Prudent: We are trapped in an incompetent backdoor regime and we cannot get rid of it. We have an incompetent opposition leader and we cannot get rid of him. This is democracy in Malaysia.

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