Iran lawmakers pass bill to boost nuclear activity following physicist murder: spokesperson


TEHRAN: Iran’s parliament approved a bill, dubbed “The Strategic Measure for the Removal of Sanctions,” which aims to revitalize the country’s nuclear activities after the assassination of Iranian nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, parliamentary committee spokesman Abolfazl Amouei announced.

The scientist, who was also the head of the Iranian Defense Ministry’s innovation center, died as a result of an attack by gunmen on Friday in the city of Absard in the Tehran region, the Sputnik news agency reported.

The Foreign Policy and National Security Committee of Iran’s parliament discussed the bill on “strategic measure for the removal of sanctions” on Sunday and approved three of its articles.

“The debate on the articles of the Strategic Action Plan for the lifting of sanctions was on the agenda. At today’s meeting, three articles of this plan were reviewed and the opinion of the representatives was sought and modifications were made to the clauses. Representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Bank and the Parliamentary Research Center also attended the meeting, ”Abolfazl Amouei told the Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency (ICANA), quoted by Tehran Times.

According to Amouei, the three articles that were discussed include measures that, if adopted, would significantly increase Iran’s nuclear activities.

The bill provides for increasing the enrichment level of uranium to 20 percent or more; Such uranium is considered weapons grade. Right now, Iran is enriching uranium by more than 4 percent, while the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) capped the level at 3.67 percent.

The bill also includes the restoration of the Arak nuclear reactor, which was scheduled to be redesigned for radioisotope production so that it does not produce weapons-grade plutonium under the JCPOA, and the construction of another reactor. Another provision of the bill requires Tehran to abandon voluntary compliance with the Additional Protocol to the safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

According to the Iranian news agency, lawmakers assigned a double-urgency status to the bill and ratified it in a vote of 232-14 in Sunday’s session. – Called
