Internet user ordered to present defense statement


KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court has ordered a netizen who was sued by Datin Vivy Yusof (pix) for allegedly defaming her on the issue that the government assisted the B40 and M40 groups affected by the Covid-19 outbreak, to submit a defense statement within 14 days from today.

The matter was relayed by lawyer Mohd Syakirin Shazwan, who represents Alia Najwa Hassannudin (netizen), to journalists after handling the case in the courtrooms of Judge Datin Rohani Ismail today, which was also attended by lawyer Pauling Hee, representing Vivy, whose real name is Vivy. Sofinas Yusof.

“The letter has been delivered to my client as the plaintiff (Vivy) had not previously delivered it by hand. The plaintiff then requested a court order for the subpoena to be published in the newspaper, ”he said.

Mohd Syakirin said his client had also filed an appearance memorandum on Monday and then handed it over to Vivy yesterday.

When asked by reporters whether the two sides will try to resolve the case amicably, Mohd Syakirin said he is still awaiting further instructions from the plaintiff.

He said the court has set January 4 next year for further case management.

On June 15, Vivy, 33, filed the lawsuit through Messrs. Foong Cheng Leong & Co, naming Alia, 28, as the sole defendant.

Based on her claim statement, Vivy said on March 28 that she had posted a video on her Instagram account of a conversation between four businessmen about the economic impact of Covid-19 and the Economic Stimulus Package announced by the prime minister. So Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Vivy claimed on March 30 that the defendant had posted various statements about the plaintiff on the defendant’s Facebook and Instagram accounts and erroneously stated that the plaintiff had questioned the government’s action to assist groups B40 and M40, despite not contribute to the country’s economy.

The businesswoman alleged that the defamatory words, among others, meant that the plaintiff did not sympathize with the B40 and M40 groups and was arrogant and selfish in addition to being unprofessional, in addition to giving importance to profit alone.

Vivy said the defamatory words also prompted the launch of a petition on a website on April 1, to press for the removal of the plaintiff from the board of directors of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), for insulting such groups, and since then the petition has been signed by more than 230,000 Internet users.

He stated that on April 2 the lawsuit was issued to the defendant and demanded that she stop posting defamatory statements against the plaintiff on social media, and alleged that the defendant had responded to the lawsuit through Facebook, however, the response did not complied with all of the plaintiff’s demands.

As such, the plaintiff seeks general, aggravated, and exemplary relief and a court order for the defendant to remove the defamatory words, in addition to requesting that she issue a statement of apology to the plaintiff.-Called
