Indonesia’s ‘sperm in the pool’ child protection commissioner reluctantly agrees to dismissal


JAKARTA (The Jakarta Post / ANN): Former Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Sitti Hikmawatty, who was fired by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo after making the scientifically inaccurate claim that “strong sperm “It could impregnate women in swimming pools – she said she accepted her dismissal, while also affirming that she had been treated unfairly.

During a conference call on Tuesday (April 28), Sitti said the agency’s decision to recommend her dismissal was made in violation of the procedure, saying she should have received an administrative sanction and a letter of reprimand rather than being fired.

“What I got instead was the final punishment without having the opportunity to defend myself. This should not happen again,” Sitti said, urging the president and relevant ministries to solve the “legal vacuum” in the commission’s regulations.

However, he said he accepted the decision and promised to continue fighting for child protection in any way possible.

Jokowi signed a decree on Sitti’s immediate dismissal from her position as KPAI health, narcotics and addictive substances commissioner on the recommendation of the agency’s ethics council. The council had stated that Sitti had violated the commission’s code of ethics by making an inaccurate statement.

Sitti made the controversial comments that ultimately resulted in her dismissal during an interview with in February, saying women should be careful about the risk of becoming pregnant when swimming in public pools with men.

“There is an especially strong type of sperm that can cause pregnancy in a pool,” Sitti said. “Even without penetration, men can go out sexually [by women in the pool] and ejaculate, leading to pregnancy. “

His mistake was immediately met with a strong response from the public and doctors.

The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) said it was impossible for women to become pregnant in a pool since the water contained chlorine and other chemicals. “Sperm cannot survive in these conditions,” IDI executive Nazar said at the time.

Sitti, who initially defended his claim by saying it was based on scientific journals, later retracted the statement and apologized. KPAI issued a response saying that Sitti’s statement did not represent the organization’s views. – The Jakarta Post / Asia News Network
