Indonesians absorb lightning to fight coronavirus, SE Asia News & Top Stories


JAKARTA (AFP) – From shirtless soldiers to teenagers basking in the sun at their parents’ entrances, Indonesians are soaking up rays like never before in the hope that abundant sunshine will protect the coronavirus.

The rush to start a practice generally associated with foreigners bound for Bali has been fueled by unfounded claims on social media that the sunlight and vitamin D it supplies can delay or kill the virus.

That hope received a boost last week when a senior US official said new research showed that sunlight quickly destroys the virus. The study has not yet been independently evaluated, but United States President Donald Trump spoke enthusiastically during a press conference.

“I always avoided the sun before because I didn’t want to get a tan,” said Theresia Rikke Astria, a 27-year-old housewife in Indonesia’s cultural capital Yogyakarta.

“But I hope this strengthens my immune system,” he added.

Doctors have their doubts, but they say a 15-minute blast of morning sun may be good for you.

“Exposing the body to direct sunlight is good for getting vitamin D, not for directly preventing the disease,” said Dr. Dirga Sakti Rambe of OMNI Pulomas Hospital in Jakarta.

Vitamin D, which comes from exposure to fish, eggs, milk and sunlight, is important for maintaining a healthy immune system, he said, but added: “Sunbathing doesn’t kill the virus that causes Covid-19.” .

Whatever the science, one thing’s for sure: There’s no shortage of sun in the 5,000-km-long tropical archipelago of Southeast Asia.

The outdoor turmoil has led to an Indonesian government warning about the dangers of skin cancer, and calls on newbies seeking sun protection.

It was a rare precaution in a place where not much sun was practiced and beauty products commercials extolled the virtues of fair skin.

Across Asia, pale skin has long been associated with a higher social class, and skin lightening products are big sellers.

The relatively conservative dress codes of the Indonesian Muslim majority, especially for women, mean that the sparse bathing suit is not a feature of the new fashion.

But the pandemic has turned Mr. Rio Zikrizal on, even if he struggles with the idea of ​​soaking his shirtless torso in the sun.

“In normal times, I would resist sunbathing,” said the Jakarta resident.

“I have an Asian skin tone that darkens easily, so I often use lightening products for my skin.”

Ms. Nabillah Ayu, who lives on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta, begins her newly adopted sun routine around 10 a.m., when she used to be in the office, hoping to avoid the deadly respiratory illness.

“Sunlight cannot kill the coronavirus directly, but it can stimulate the immune system and prevent it from contracting it,” said the 22-year-old.

Bare-chested tanning sessions have been incorporated into morning exercise routines for some military and police units.

And in major cities, residents flock from neighborhoods lined with narrow, dark alleys to open areas, including commuter rail tracks, where they can catch some lightning without obstruction.

It’s a mixed bag of women in headshirts with rolled up sleeves and pants, shirtless teenage boys and crumpled retirees, all clamoring for a little sunshine as the strange train passes.

“I have just started sunbathing regularly since the pandemic attack,” Alfian, who bears a name, told AFP near the train tracks in Tangerang, on the outskirts of Jakarta.

“Then I take a shower and my body feels more fit.”

Pensioner Wadianto Wadito, who suffers from heart disease and diabetes, believes he can use all the help he can get.

“Anyway, I’m already taking a lot of medications, so now I’m sunbathing to get all my vitamins without taking more pills,” said the 65-year-old man.
