Indonesia: Aceh religious leaders want people to be flogged for playing violent games online


JAKARTA, Oct 25 (The Jakarta Post / ANN): The Aceh Ulama (Religious Leaders) Council (MPU) has demanded that players of the popular online game Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) and other games depicting violence be subjected to flogging public.

West Aceh Regency MPU Chairman Teungku Abdurrani Adian said such punishment was appropriate, given that “violent” games were haram (prohibited by Islamic law) under the region’s Qanun Jinayat (Penal Code).

“It is only appropriate in Aceh, a sharia region, that those who commit haram acts that violate Islamic law are dragged away [in front of the public] be flogged according to the regulations that are in force in Aceh, ”said Teungku, quoted by

Aceh is the only Muslim-majority Indonesian province that implements Sharia law.

The provincial administration has fully enforced Qanun Jinayat since 2015, allowing flogging for a variety of crimes, including gambling, prostitution and adultery.

In 2019, the MPU issued a fatwa declaring PUBG and similar video games haram amid concerns about a possible increase in violence among young people influenced by the description of digital violence.

Teungku urged the Aceh administration to immediately enforce the punishment to follow up on the fatwa.

“Even though the punishments have not yet been applied, Muslims who continue to play the game will be burdened with sin, for which they must take responsibility in the afterlife,” he said.

He also called on the Ulema Council of Indonesia (MUI) to support the MPU’s fatwa against PUBG.

Last year, the Ministry of Communications and Information considered imposing playing time restrictions on PUBG due to its alleged side effects.

However, the controversy surrounding the game did not prevent the Indonesian PUBG team, Bigetron Red Aliens, from being crowned world champion at the Fall Split Global 2019 PUBG Mobile Club Open (PMCO) tournament in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in December. – The Jakarta Post / Asian News Network
