In the fight against the threat of Covid-19, the PN must lead by example


YOUR OPINION | “I think Muhyiddin wants his popularity back to May-June levels.”

Ideally, PM wants ‘close to MCO’ constraints

IndigoKite6964: I suppose stricter movement control order (MCO) restrictions would help reduce the infection rate to R0.

More education on why standard operating procedure (SOP) works would help rather than just its draconian application … with exceptions for very, very idiotic people, of course.

However, overall we are pained because we know that the takeover initiated by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and executed by former Prime Minister Musa Aman in Sabah caused this third wave, and if the truth be told, this explosion of cases in Peninsula (peninsula) is linked to some returnees from Sabah from the root.

Now Muhyiddin wants an MCO type control. This is like punching you on the ground, he’s also resorting to kicking you.

That said, we shouldn’t further politicize Covid-19. What done is done. There’s no point in acting defiantly and making the spread even worse.

We’ll take care of him and the rest of the rotten group when the opportunity presents itself. For now, our own lives are more important.

PurpleLeopard8279: I think Muhyiddin wants his popularity back to May-June levels, and he thought doing the same now will result in the same result.

We have passed the initial stage of virus transmission. Now there is a community extension. The MCO can buy time for our healthcare system to expand its capacity, but it cannot kill the beast.

We have to accept that Covid-19 is part of life and find out what level of spread is acceptable for the health system to function satisfactorily.

Jetson: With the current conditional MCO (CMCO), people are already suffering and Muhyiddin wants to tighten the rules even more.

Many companies are barely making ends meet now. If new rules are introduced, there will be many more liquidating their businesses.

Muhyiddin, if you can’t handle the Covid-19 catastrophe, which is mainly due to your selfish lust for power, give it to others who can.

He has failed miserably from the first day he took over this nation through the back door. Today, even the Malays are crying because they also face serious financial constraints. People who earn a daily wage are crying too.

Hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs, while many see their wages drastically reduced and some are on the verge of losing everything.

All you can think of is having emergency laws and making the public suffer more. It is time for the nation to put itself in the hands of leaders who are more capable than you.

IndigoBird7612: I’m really puzzled why we need a stricter CMCO in the Klang Valley when cases are supposed to be manageable.

Think of the families who cannot meet. We need to bring them supplies, but we can’t rush to the police station all the time. The police don’t like it either because they are busy with work.

Sendilimauingat: If all people follow standard operating procedures, mask themselves, practice social distancing, ensure personal hygiene, and most importantly seek immediate medical assistance if they have symptoms and stay indoors instead of watching soccer at the mamak store , etc., the virus may be better. reviewed.

The fact that politicians take advantage of the situation is secondary.

Honma: PAS leader Nik Mohamad Abduh Abdul Aziz said it’s okay do not use mask in places that are not crowded.

How do we define non-crowded places: 10, 20, or 100 people are considered non-crowded? All you need is a Covid-19 positive patient, not 10, 20 or 100, to spread the disease.

Nik Abduh tried to defend the indefensible by making stupid comments. How silly it is.

Sentinel: There is no transparency in explaining the transmission chains. We get vague group names and they tell us that infection occurs through close contact.

We are not told where the sources of infection were and the detailed probabilities and proportions of where and how they contracted the virus.

We are only told to observe SOPs. Those of us who really care about observing standard operating procedures are left hanging to try to understand what’s going on. Is the infection due to non-compliance with standard operating procedures? Is it out of ignorance?

We have to live with this virus. We cannot live our lives in an OLS-driven reality. Please understand that the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) increases due to people staying home.

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart-related risks increase when we stay indoors. You increase one health risk when you try to address the other health risk …

Constitutional Supremacy: Take appropriate and effective measures and don’t overreact.

In Singapore, when bedroom cases were discovered in July 2020, daily new cases were between 3,000 and 5,000. The government examined all the dormitory workers numbering 850,000. He didn’t panic.

Today, Singapore reported only one new case. The last few weeks he had been reporting single-digit numbers.

Here, only Sabah and Selangor are reporting a few hundred cases daily in recent days. And the prime minister wanted to introduce emergency. It’s ridiculous.

Be a man: Whatever the rules, they won’t give you visible results in a single day. There may even be a momentary spike (due to the lag effect) after the rules are entered.

The important thing is to enforce the rules and give them some time before analyzing their effectiveness.

Me: A friend was at a store in Klang Valley. The boss had a mask, but not six of his employees.

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