Imported Covid-19 cases continue to outnumber local transmission


PETALING JAYA: Imported Covid-19 cases continue to outnumber those infected by local transmission.

Of the six new cases reported as of noon yesterday, four were foreigners who had just arrived in Malaysia. Three of them came from Indonesia and the last one flew from Syria, according to Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah.

With the sum of the six cases, the number of infected reaches 9,360.

In a statement issued yesterday, Noor Hisham said the two local cases were Malaysian. One was among the MV Glen group in Selangor and the other was diagnosed by a screening exercise at a workplace in Pahang.

Pahang’s patient was asymptomatic when he was admitted to Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital for treatment.

The MV Glen group that first appeared on August 30 is tied to a ship that had docked in Port Klingon, Noor Hisham said. As of yesterday, there have been three confirmed cases in the group.

He said that health ministry staff had tested 58 people in the group and so far, three tested positive while 16 tested negative. The remaining 39 are still awaiting the results of their tests.

Yesterday there were no fatalities, which leaves the death toll at 128.

Four more patients were discharged from the hospital yesterday. Together, they brought the number of people who recovered to 9,079.

As of yesterday, there are still 153 active cases, four patients are being treated in intensive care and three of them require respiratory assistance, added Noor Hisham.
