ILO warns against arrest of undocumented immigrants


Local and international human rights groups have criticized the authorities for arresting and detaining undocumented workers in Kuala Lumpur.

PETALING JAYA: The International Labor Organization (ILO) warned that the arrest and detention of undocumented immigrants will have negative consequences in the fight against Covid-19.

In its policy recommendations as part of its report on the impact of Covid-19 on migrant workers in Malaysia, the ILO said that fear of sanctions for immigration violations could push undocumented migrant workers underground and prevent them from seek treatment.

He said this would affect the health of migrant workers and increase the risk of infection for others.

Local and international human rights groups recently criticized the authorities for arresting and detaining undocumented workers in Kuala Lumpur.

The ILO said the virus outbreak, along with the partial closure, had affected migrant workers, especially those who earned daily wages and were now unable to work.

“Many of these migrant workers have run out of money and need to rely on food aid distributed by the government and civil society organizations,” he said.

It also noted common violations of migrant workers’ labor rights reported by the Malaysian Trade Union Congress, including unfair dismissals, unpaid wages, poor living conditions, forced labor in nonessential jobs and uncertainty about their employment situation.

“There are also growing concerns about the spread of the virus in crowded immigration detention centers and in the homes of migrant workers.”

Other ILO policy recommendations include a reconfirmation that all migrant workers, including undocumented workers, refugees and asylum seekers, will receive free Covid-19 tests and treatment.

It also suggested measures to prevent the spread of the virus in migrant detention centers and migrant worker homes, and for workers who are unable to work during the movement control order period to receive payments and benefits.

“All migrant workers, including irregular migrant workers, should have access to legal remedies and compensation for unfair treatment and language interpretation services when necessary.

“Make sure that employers of migrant workers in essential services, such as the manufacture of rubber gloves, identify and mitigate all risks of exposure to Covid-19 and respect the labor rights of migrant workers,” he said.

It also urged employers to provide guidelines on workplace safety, as well as health measures and hygiene practices in languages ​​that workers can understand.


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