If Umno and PPBM collide, where will PAS go?


Will the PAS be the king or the kingmaker in the next general election?

PETALING JAYA: A political analyst says that the PAS will face a dilemma if the disputes between Umno and PPBM get worse, especially before the next general elections.

Azizuddin Mohd Sani, from Universiti Utara Malaysia, said that the PAS must be friends with the two Malaysian parties, as it knows that it cannot form the government on its own.

However, if disagreements between Umno and PPBM continue, the PAS will have to choose between Umno, which has strong grassroots support, or PPBM, which has a popular prime minister.

“Umno has the strength and PPBM has the power. Without PAS, the government of Perikatan Nasional (PN) would not exist, but how will this translate into the next general elections? “

If the Islamic party had to choose, Azizuddin said at the grassroots level, the PAS would be stronger under Umno, as its support among the Malaysian bases is stronger than the PPBM.

“If (Umno and PPBM) collide, it will affect the general elections.”

However, Azizuddin said that PPBM cannot be put aside so easily. “Muhyiddin Yassin (chairman of PPBM) as prime minister is a popular choice among the people compared to the leaders of Umno.”

Caught between Consensus and Alliance

PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang previously said that PAS could not separate itself from either party, and signaled its alliance with Umno through Muafakat Nasional (MN) and with PPBM through PN.

Umno had previously announced that he would not join the PN but would continue to support the coalition to form the federal government and various state administrations.

Although some Umno leaders have welcomed PPBM’s involvement in MN, Vice President Mohamad Hasan said the rank and file of the Malaysian party were against the idea.

Azizuddin also said that PAS ‘decision to stay with MN and at the same time work with PN would confuse people. “The PAS is in every corner as long as it has power and political importance. Of course, this is an advantage for the PAS, but it will cause discomfort to the voters ”.

You also want to see how PAS would solve the problem of which logo to use during GE15.

“If Umno wants to compete under Barisan Nasional (BN) and does not want to compete under PN, what is the PAS decision? Will they say they will compete using the BN emblem, or will they compete using the PAS emblem? “

It is better that PAS is king than kingmaker

Political observer Mohd Sayuti Omar said PAS would be in a better position if it were stronger and not just a “kingmaker” for Umno and PPBM.

“PAS will partner with whoever can benefit. In the current context, it is with PPBM because Muhyiddin is the prime minister, but if Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (president of Umno) becomes prime minister tomorrow, PAS will be with Umno, ”he said.

With a long history of 69 years, Sayuti said that the PAS is an important political party and is accepted by the Malays. “PAS must show its principles. You can support any party and also strengthen your own position. PAS should be the king, not just the kingmaker. “

Last month, Hadi announced that PAS was ready to compete in the Sabah state elections using the BN logo, indicating that the decision was not new to PAS, as it had contested under the BN logo in 1974 when it was part of the BN coalition.

BN General Secretary Annuar Musa had said that all the candidates who participated in the Sabah poll would use the “dacing” (balance) logo as Sabah voters were familiar with it.
