How Joe Biden Won Key States and Secured 2020 Election Victory


Biden has a slight lead in Georgia, but final results could take several days, and there will be a recount in late November due to the small margin between the candidates.

A candidate may request a recount if the margin is less than 0.5 percent of the votes cast in accordance with Georgia state law.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said: “Right now, Georgia remains too close to call. Out of approximately 5 million votes cast, we will have a margin of a few thousand. With such a small margin, there will be a count in Georgia. “

What determines a swing state?

Oscillating states can change between each election cycle and can be determined by looking at past results, opinion polls, political trends, and the strengths or weaknesses of candidates and their policies. Other areas that can influence gradual changes in transition states are changes in population and demographics.

What is the situation in each one?

Rust Belt States

There are 10 states where everyone has set their sights on this election, most evident from the money spent on advertising and travel on the Trump and Biden campaigns. They include the three Rust Belt states that Trump won in 2016: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. They were once considered the Blue Wall, but Trump managed to turn them red in the last election.

Biden won Michigan in a positive turn for the Democratic campaign. Biden was ahead in the polls in Michigan, a state that has large white suburbs, union members and black voters.

Had it not been for Covid-19, Biden would have accepted the Democratic nomination in Wisconsin. He wanted to show the importance of the state and learn from the mistakes of his predecessors. Hillary Clinton didn’t visit him once during her 2016 campaign, and despite doing well in polls, she lost the state to Trump. Biden was way ahead in the polls before the election and ended up with a victory here.

Before 2016, Pennsylvania was a Democratic state with deep ties to unions. Trump campaigned strongly there in 2016, vowing to bring back jobs in mining and manufacturing and has been doing the same again this year. Biden was born in Pennsylvania and spent his early years in the town of Scranton.

Despite President Trump’s big head start lead, Biden won the state with 49.7 percent, compared to Trump’s 49.1 percent.

Sunbelt states

Four other states to watch were the southern Sun Belt states of Florida, Arizona, Texas, and North Carolina.


Florida is almost always close in a presidential election and Trump has now won that state. Since 1964, the candidate who won Florida has always won the White House, except in 1992. Trump surprised pollsters by winning Florida comfortably, despite predictions of a close race or victory for Biden.


Democrats have not won Arizona since 1996, so it is unusual for it to be an indecisive state. It was the home state of the godfather of modern American conservatism, Barry Goldwater, and for much of the Obama administration was seen as a laboratory of hardline anti-immigrant policies.

However, the growing Latino population, migration from California, and the changing attitudes of college-educated white voters were important factors that turned this state blue and gave Biden the victory. Yet dozens of angry supporters of President Donald Trump converged on vote counting centers in Phoenix when the results came against him on Wednesday. The protests came as Trump insisted without proof that there were major problems with voting and ballot counting, especially with mail-in votes.


Texas was another swinging new state on the block. It is the second largest state in the country. With 38 electoral votes, second only to California, the way Texas changes has a significant impact on the outcome of the election. In the end, Trump reclaimed Texas with ease, and the Democrats’ surge did not materialize despite huge spending in the state.
