Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam criticizes lawmakers who question universal tests


HONG KONG (China Daily / ANN): Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Executive Director Carrie Lam has said it is outrageous that some lawmakers continually question the upcoming massive Covid-19 tests in Hong Kong and incite residents to boycott the scheme.

Lam said on social media that the tests will help find invisible Covid-19 patients and slow the spread of the disease, helping the fight against Hong Kong’s epidemic.

Hong Kong has witnessed a resurgence of local infections since July, and currently about 30 percent of new cases still cannot be traced and some patients remain asymptomatic, Lam said, stressing the importance of mass testing.

Some lawmakers just don’t miss any opportunity to create problems and controversy even if people’s health is at stake, Lam said.

Lam called for concerted efforts by Hong Kong residents to debunk rumors about the testing plan and help control the epidemic so Hong Kong can return to normal as soon as possible.

As of 8 a.m. on Monday (August 31), nearly 500,000 people had successfully registered for the Universal Community Testing Program (UCTP), which will launch on Tuesday (September 1).

Also on Sunday, the authorities received eight complaints related to an alleged fraudulent use of personal data for the reservation.

Three cases were referred to the Hong Kong Police Cybersecurity and Technology Crimes Bureau for investigation. The reservations in question were canceled.

A government spokesman said in a press release that all suspected cases will be referred to the police. – China Daily / Asian Nedws Network
