Hong Kong Comedian Stephen Chow Faces A $ 37 Million Suit From His Ex-Girlfriend | Showbiz


Comedian Stephen Chow isn't laughing now as he faces his ex-girlfriend's 37 million ringgit suit.  - Image via Instagram / stephenchow622
Hilarious Stephen Chow is not laughing now as he faces a 37 million ringgit suit from his ex-girlfriend. – Image via Instagram / stephenchow622

KUALA LUMPUR, October 14 – Hong Kong comedian Stephen Chow was slapped with a HK $ 70 million (RM37,442,181.88) lawsuit by his ex-girlfriend Alice Yu.

The lawsuit is for not paying the commission that corresponds to him for the sale of his luxury home and will be heard in court next month.

Entertainment portal Jayne Stars reported that Yu claimed that he only received HK $ 10 million (RM5,349,368.21) from Chow, which was referred to by the King of Comedy as “free payment.”

According to the portal, Yu had acted as Chow’s financial consultant and helped him make a profit through real estate investments when they were a couple and Chow paid his salary every month.

They also had a verbal agreement that Chow would pay Yu a 10 percent bonus of after-tax earnings made on successful investments.

Aside from the lawsuit, Chow was also said to be under pressure from investors in his film production company.

“Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Chow’s theatrical release The mermaid ii it has been postponed indefinitely, ”according to the portal.

Word is spreading that investors are demanding at least HK $ 200 million (RM106,988,690.88) of the money lost due to the postponed release.

“According to a report, an investor bought HK $ 1.3 billion (RM695,445,355.02) stock in Chow’s film production studio, Star Overseas Ltd., and signed a contract that specified that the company had to earn at least HK $ 1 billion (RM534,957,965.40) in four years. “

However, Star Overseas has yet to meet the targets set in the contract for the past three years, earning only HK $ 600 million (RM320,970,301.56) in total.
