Hong Hyun Hee’s agency denies allegations of school violence + announces plans to take legal action


Comedian Hong Hyun Hee has been caught up in rumors of school violence, but her agency stated that they are not true.

Recently, a post was uploaded to an online community with the title “Comedian Hong Hyun Hee, don’t you feel guilty about your school days?” The individual (referred to here as “A”) who wrote this article claimed that they were bullied by Hong Hyun Hee and her friends. “A” said, “Did you enjoy making J and I outcasts? I remember how you used to criticize their appearance and exclude them. I can’t forget how you used to curse me while throwing rubber powder from behind me and giving me just some rice and side dishes while laughing at me during lunchtime. “

Following the allegations, Hong Hyun Hee’s agency released an official statement:

Hi, I’m Bliss Entertainment.

We would like to share our official position regarding the allegations that Hong Hyun Hee is involved in school violence.

The rumors circulating online that Hong Hyun Hee is a bully are not true, and the author of this post has been routinely writing things like this for many years.

Hong Hyun Hee couldn’t hide her confusion when she said, “I look the same as when I was in school, so how could I make fun of someone’s appearance and turn them into an outcast? It doesn’t make any sense. “She added,” It’s absolutely false. I have nothing to hide, so let’s talk about this face to face. “

We have collected all of the author’s false claims, including comments posted on entertainment articles, over the years and have been preparing to take legal action for defamation.

Refrain from reckless speculation and spreading false information.


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Top Photo Credit: Xportsnews

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