Hindraf files judicial appeal against cancellation of registration


Hindraf co-founder P Waytha Moorthy says the group’s deregistration goes against the principles of natural justice.

KUALA LUMPUR: Hindraf co-founder P Waytha Moorthy today filed a challenge against the government over its decision to unregister the group.

He claimed that the decision of the Registrar of Companies (RoS) of July 15, 2019 to dissolve Hindraf was wrong in law. Subsequently, the Interior Ministry confirmed the cancellation of the registration on August 8 this year.

Waytha, a minister during the Pakatan Harapan administration, said that RoS sent a letter to Hindraf last year saying it had violated the Companies Law.

“RoS told us that the central committee leaders did not hold meetings at least eight times a year as required by law.

“They also said that we had RM200 in cash, which was over the minimum amount established in Hindraf’s constitution,” he said.

He said he responded to RoS’s letter on September 27, 2019 and attached evidence of his notices to call meetings and the minutes.

“Three days later, RoS sent a letter to inform us that they were de-registering Hindraf.

“We submitted an appeal to the minister in October and they told us that the cancellation of the registration had been confirmed,” he said.

In his request, Hindraf requested a court order to overturn the decisions of RoS and the Ministry of the Interior.

“The decision of the respondents violated the principles of natural justice,” he said.

Waytha also claimed that the registration cancellation letter was not signed by the CEO of RoS at the time of the events, and that this had violated the Companies Act.

The High Court set February 22 to hear Hindraf’s request for permission to initiate a judicial review.
