HB Entertainment claims that the court ordered Goo Hye Sun to pay damages for the early termination of her contract


April 29 HB Entertainment released an official press release announcing that his exclusive contract with actress Goo Hye Sun (36) has come to an end.

Previously, after filing for divorce with her husband Ahn Jae Hyun (33), Goo Hye Sun also requested to void her exclusive contract with HB Entertainment, also Ahn Jae Hyun’s agency.

According to HB Entertainment, “On September 11, 2019, Goo Hye Sung appeared to terminate her exclusive contract with our agency. In response, HB Entertainment filed a counter lawsuit due to our loss of loyalty to Goo Hye Sun, as well as her actions that violate her exclusive contractual rights “.

The label continued, “On April 21, 2020, the court did not approve Goo Hye Sun’s reasons to justify his request for early termination of his contract. Furthermore, the contract was terminated and the case came to an end and the court ordered that Goo Hye Sun will pay HB Entertainment in specified damages. ”

Also on this day, the Goo Hye Sun side updated their profile information on various search engines as found under ‘Goo Hye Sun Film’. Then, after sharing some new profile photos via SNS, Goo Hye Sun briefly commented in reference to HB Entertainment’s official statement: “There were parts of the case that included missing or missing information, so I’m considering filing an appeal. Please don’t worry.”

Finally, Goo Hye Sun’s legal representative also spoke some time later to refute HB Entertainment’s claims on April 29. According to Goo Hye Sun’s side, “The former Goo Hye Sun agency claims that mediation regarding his exclusive contract came to an end when the court ordered Goo Hye Sun to pay the damages, but this is not true … The former Goo Hye Sun agency previously filed a lawsuit demanding an incredible amount, approximately KRW 330 million, in damages, however the court has denied this lawsuit.Goo Hye Sun was ordered to pay her former agency a small damage fee of 35 million from KRW, only due to internal problems with HB Entertainment. “ Goo Hye Sun’s legal representative is preparing to file an appeal against HB Entertainment regarding the ongoing dispute.
