Harapan faces existential threat as political resettlement is urged


YOUR OPINION | “Your new narrative must be principled, focused on politics to appeal to the masses.”

Harapan Needs A Political Reboot, Stop Wasting Time With PN – Guan Eng, Mat Sabu

IndigoTrout2522: First of all, why does Lim Guan Eng from DAP and Mohamad ‘Mat’ Sabu from Amanah need to issue a joint statement? The perception is that they are telling the world that Pakatan Harapan wants a split.

What have they done to defeat the budget? What have they done to get majority support for Harapan? Why can’t they discuss all these issues internally?

This is not the first time, because they seem to love issuing statements in public. The best approach for Harapan is to hand over leadership to a new generation of young leaders, and there are several in the three component parties.

Leave out Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who cannot be trusted, and Warisan President Shafie Apdal, who couldn’t even hold onto Sabah.

Remember, Shafie seized power in Sabah in the fourteenth general election only through crosses. Mahathir had also been trying to woo some deputies from Umno and got nowhere either. Without PKR, Harapan would not be successful and that is a reality.

The DAP has a negative, albeit incorrect and unfair perception as anti-Malay and anti-Islam and Amanah is still a relatively small party.

Mahathir is always ready to stir the pot. He recently held a press conference with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and then nothing happened either.

Kim Quek: Through their joint statement, Lim and Mat Sabu obviously advocate for Mahathir’s return to the Harapan fold.

But wasn’t Mahathir the culprit who sabotaged Harapan’s reform agenda, betrayed the Harapan coalition, and directly caused its instant collapse through his sudden resignation?

So what is the duo’s justification for embracing Mahathir again as their comrade? Wouldn’t his current action be considered a betrayal of Harapan?

Mahathir has already publicly declared the leader of the PKR, Anwar Ibrahim, as his enemy number one. And knowing that Mahathir is the type of character who would only settle for the number one spot on his own, wouldn’t the duo’s suggestion be interpreted as their intention to ditch the reformist icon? Anwar in favor of the traitor Mahathir to lead Harapan again?

Many have accused Anwar of lying when he claimed he had the support of the majority. Considering Anwar’s illustrious record as an opposition icon over the past two decades, could Anwar really be stupid enough to cook up such an absurd history of roosters and bulls?

How many realize that if the Agong had met Anwar on time on September 22 as he agreed to receive his presentation from a solid majority, history could have been rewritten?

To Harapan leaders venting their anger against Anwar for failing to overthrow the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, may I ask: Has any Harapan leader done anything in that direction?

Isn’t it true that Anwar is the only brave soul who took on the task and that his failure so far is not due to his fault but to an outside factor? Instead of vilifying Anwar as a failure, shouldn’t they praise him as their hero?

Anon25: Lim and Mat Sabu, instead of a reboot, why not explore a new path? PN has to be defeated. You need help getting the numbers. About five more will be enough to bring down Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s government.

So this is my proposal: that Razaleigh becomes the interim prime minister if he can get five or six MPs from Umno to defect and join Harapan Plus. If this happens, this government will fall.

With the new majority and agreement on an interim prime minister, Razaleigh can then move closer to the Agong. With Agong’s approval, Muhyiddin will be asked to resign to make way for a smooth transition of power.

Razaleigh will hold that position until the next general election. Harapan Plus must also agree to Anwar being nominated as deputy prime minister until GE15.

Once PN drops, there will be a rush from other parties to join Harapan Plus. Let Razaleigh advise you who to accept. Due to Razaleigh, Umno may also wish to join as a group. Let them in if Razaleigh agrees. Umno can be cleaned.

Lim and Mat Sabu, if they agree to this plan, Anwar and Shafie will too. What about Mahathir then? I think it should stay out.

WhiteKnight7895: 1) Harapan and PKR, first of all, need new leadership, be it Nurul Izzah Anwar or Rafizi Ramli.

2) DAP, PKR and Amanah must compete for all 222 seats and must have a rock solid strategy in place to ensure that whoever the candidate is must be identified as a winnable candidate. Candidates must present a clean health certificate as we do not want to waste our valuable time and valuable resources in by-elections.

3) Harapan should also explore the possibility of reaching out to other opposition parties that share the same ideology and core values. Otherwise, don’t waste a second and keep looking for your own candidate.

4) Ensure that the parties that make up Harapan immediately obtain a signed and sealed agreement from all candidates competing in GE15 once they are nominated to avoid any “frog trouble” if the candidate wins.

Please indicate that if a candidate makes the leap, the winning candidate must leave office immediately and the Election Commission must hold a by-election. Otherwise, the party must immediately file a claim for RM 100 million for breach of the agreement. Seek the advice of legal experts to ensure that the agreement is airtight and cannot be disputed in a court of law.

5) Members of the Harapan cabinet must be formed on the basis of the number of seats won by the parties to ensure sufficient representation. There should be an appointment formula, and take into consideration qualification and experience, for all minister, deputy minister, GLC and GOC (government-linked and state-owned companies) positions.

Strictly, there should be no appointments of any deputy in NGOs or foundations. An independent select committee composed of deputies from both the government and the opposition that will be designated as control and balance.

6) Once Harapan takes control of Putrajaya, 50 percent of the priority promises made in the manifesto must be implemented immediately within the first three months.

No excuses should be made to waste time as was done before. Do not limit yourself to giving the instruction to whoever needs to do it or to form useless committees, the minister or vice minister in charge must execute and update the public on the progress.

If there is no progress, replace them immediately. There is no need to waste time giving a pep talk or time extensions if you are not wagging your butt when it comes to the interests of the rakyat. The remaining 50 percent of the manifest must be completed within 18 months.

Descend: Considering how difficult it is to reestablish (reboot) the opposition due to vested interests, I would also like to propose the following solution: Anwar, Lim, Mat Sabu, Shafie and Mahathir should follow the example of Sonia Gandhi from India stating that they will not hold any office if Harapan Plus wins the next general election.

Instead, they will serve as advisors and mentors to prepare a group of younger leaders to propel the country into the next generation and beyond.

To show they were serious, PKR, DAP, Amanah, Warisan and Pejuang should come together to brainstorm a shadow cabinet made up of young leaders from all of its constituent parties. In fact, they will have many options.

A non-exhaustive list of candidates could be Mukhriz Mahathir, Rafizi, Nurul Izzah, Fahmi Fadzil, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, R Sivarasa, Anthony Loke, Gobind Singh Deo, Ong Kian Ming, Hannah Yeoh, Yeo Bee Yin, Tony Pua, M Kulasegaran , Khalid Samad, Dzulkefly Ahmad, Mujahid Yusof Rawa, Darell Leiking, Azis Jamman, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, etc.

This will certainly inspire hope in most Malaysians.

Raja Chulan: The block of 108 deputies and their respective parties need a new narrative. This new narrative must be centered on principles and policies to provide the required appeal to the masses.

There are many voters who do not adhere to the ideology or policies of the PN parties (Umno, PAS, Bersatu or GPS of Sarawak), but do not support the opposition or Harapan simply because the opposition is in a state of confusion.

Harapan’s current narrative of enlisting the support of Umno’s traitors to form a new government in which Anwar becomes prime minister has so far been unsuccessful. This narrative is also one that is not based on any high moral foundation.

As head of the opposition, Anwar had been given the opportunity, but had not been successful. Anwar must admit this and therefore accept the reboot as requested by Lim and Mat Sabu.

The opposition needs a reboot in two respects, namely in the leadership aspect and the narrative aspect. On the leadership side, what we see in New Zealand, Canada and France looks attractive.

We need a completely new and younger group of national leaders (only this will make the opposition different and attractive from the old and worn PAS, Umno, Bersatu and GPS).

Second, Malaysian voters are searching for a new narrative that addresses current challenges when it comes to development and the economy, education, and racial and religious unity.

The voters and the rakyat yearn for change for the better. Can the opposition provide this narrative in the form of new ideas and policies?

Mohd Bakri 3: The real tragedy is that even though PN is a mess with backstabbing and infighting, the opposition cannot even consolidate its strength and defend itself, but instead wanted to play the same game as PN, waiting for statutory statements and all that.

This shows that Harapan himself is equally fractured and in a mess. If you want our votes again, then show us some leadership, some vision for the future of the country.

Otherwise, even if he wins again, he will have infighting once more, and this cycle will repeat itself and we Rakyat are fed up and tired of our politicians continuing to politicize to seize power.

BusinessFirst: I agree. It is obvious that Harapan is used as the bogeyman to extract concessions from Muhyiddin. They play on the desire of some in the Harapan leadership to return to government or become prime minister. I think this understanding is better late than never.

If the would-be frogs from Bersatu, PAS, Umno kleptocrats, GPS, and Sabah know that whatever happens Harapan won’t work with them except on Harapan terms, then it will somehow be good for the country, since Muhyiddin doesn’t need Bend down. the other way around to hand out more and more goodies to maintain loyalty at an ever-increasing “price” demanded.

In the long run, it will harden the positions of those within the PN as it is in the nature of things that Bersatu will want to remain dominant and undermine Umno and this will lead to dissension within its ranks.

Harapan should spend his time working to act together and come together.

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