Hannah Yeoh comes face to face with ‘Hannah Yeoh’ in KK


KUCHING (September 15): Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh’s belief that children become what their parents call them is even stronger today after an encounter during a church service in Kota Kinabalu.

The DAP leader shared on Facebook on Sunday that she had met her doppelganger, noting that it was “like seeing a twin.”

“I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was like seeing a twin! I told her we looked alike and she said that people had told her the same thing before, ”he said in the post, sharing a photo of them together.

In another post today, Yeoh shared her belief that a boy becomes the name given to him by his parents.

“My parents called me Yeoh Tseow Suan… It means ‘coincidentally a pair’ or ‘probably double’ (in Chinese). After being named, my younger sister Megan was conceived and born in the same year. We did everything as twins. The same school year and the same class! “

He added that after serving his first term in politics, a ‘friend’, Bakri MP Yeo Bee Yin, joined the DAP and since then there has been confusion about them.

“After church last Sunday at Skyline, Kota Kinabalu, I met a sister in Christ, Amanda, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the striking resemblance!

So now I am completely convinced of the power of a name. Whatever name, the child becomes. I constantly see double. My two daughters are starting to look like twins. I am praying please and the wisdom will probably double for me, ”Yeoh said.

Yeoh’s post received many reactions with many agreeing that she actually knew her, while some disagreed that the two people in the photo bore a strong physical resemblance to one another.

Some netizens who commented on her post even jokingly said that her resemblance could be Yeoh’s twin sister who was separated from her or gifted by Yeoh’s parents.

Another netizen also said that it is difficult to tell Yeoh apart from the other woman in the photo.

Meanwhile, some of those who commented disagreed that Yeoh bears a strong physical resemblance to the woman in the picture.

“No, I can see a lot of differences. At first glance they look like sisters but later you can tell the difference ”, one of them commented.

Other Facebook users also joked that Yeoh should send the other woman in the picture as a stuntman to perform her duties as an elected representative as well due to her strong physical resemblance.

Yeoh is also a former Speaker of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly and a former Subang Jaya Assemblyman.

She most recently served as Vice Minister of Women, Family and Community Development from July 2, 2018 to February 24 of this year.
