Half of British adults ‘felt anxious about Covid-19 blockade’ | Society


More than 25 million people reported high levels of anxiety in late March, as the decision to put the UK in a lockdown raised fears about the health, job security and livelihoods of half the country’s adult population.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said its periodic update on well-being showed a doubling since the end of 2019 in the number of people over the age of 16 who reported deep levels of worry and stress.

According to the ONS, people’s main concerns were personal well-being, their jobs, and the impact of Covid-19 on their finances, as normal working life was suspended for all but the essential workers.

Those who thought they could not save money for the next 12 months reported anxiety 33% higher than those who thought they could.

Income subsidies

Direct cash grants for freelancers, worth 80% of average earnings, up to £ 2,500 per month. Similar wage subsidies exist for employees.

Business loan guarantees

The government will back £ 330bn of loans to support businesses through a Bank of England scheme for large companies. There are loans of up to £ 5 million without interest for six months for smaller companies.

Business rates

Taxes collected in commercial premises will be abolished this year for all retailers, leisure outlets and companies in the hotel sector.

Cash grants

Britain’s 700,000 smallest companies are eligible for £ 10,000 cash subsidies. Small retailers, leisure and hospitality companies can get higher grants of £ 25,000.


The government will increase the value of universal credit and tax credits by £ 1,000 a year, as well as expand eligibility for these benefits.

Sick pay

Legal sick pay will be available from the first day, rather than the fourth day, of absence from work, although ministers have been criticized for not raising the level of sick pay above £ 94.25 per week. Small businesses can request state reimbursements on sick pay bills.


Local authorities will raise a £ 500 million hardship fund to provide people with tax relief from the council.

Mortgage and rental holidays available for up to three months.

The release of official welfare data comes as the government grapples with how to lift the restrictions, effective March 24, and will add to concerns about the psychological impact of the blockade.

The ONS tracks well-being through a questionnaire that asks people how anxious and happy they are on a scale of one to 10. Between March 20 and March 30, the number of people who registered high levels of anxiety (between six and 10 on the scale) with 49.6% of the adult population, compared to 21% at the end of 2019.

Of those concerned about the impact of the coronavirus on their lives, approximately 5.3 million people were most concerned about the impact on their finances, with 8.5 million people most concerned about their well-being, including boredom, loneliness, and stress, and 6.2 Millions of people more concerned about their jobs.

Other concerns cited included the impact of the blockade on education, relationships, and caregiving responsibilities.

With increasing stress levels, the number of people reporting a low happiness score of between zero and four stood at 20.7% in late March compared to 8.4% in the last quarter of last year.

With the Closing now well into its second month, the ONS said there was a pullback in the numbers that reported great anxiety, although they remained well above pre-crisis levels.

The average anxiety index stood at 2.97 in the fourth quarter of 2019, increased to 5.18 in late March, and had fallen to 4.2 in mid-April.

The ONS said those who had already been financially affected in late March also reported lower well-being; People who had suffered a blow to their home finances due to Covid-19 reported 16% more anxiety on average.

He added that people who rented and freelancers were more likely to have their household finances and jobs negatively affected by the pandemic, through reduced incomes, having to use savings to cover living costs, reduce hours of work and the inability to save for the future.

Lucy Tinkler, director of the ONS quality of life team, said: “All measures of personal well-being, including anxiety and happiness, are at their worst levels since we started collecting data in 2011.

“This was particularly the case for those who have already been financially affected, as well as for those who rent and work for themselves. The most recent data showed a slight improvement in anxiety compared to previous weeks, but it remained much higher than before the pandemic. “
