Guatemalan president tests positive for Covid-19


GUATEMALA CITY: The government of Guatemala reported on Friday that President Alejandro Giammattei (pix) has tested positive for the new coronavirus (Covid-19).

According to a statement issued by the government, Giammattei underwent a test for Covid-19 for the sixth time and the test came back positive, the Xinhua news agency reports.

The Presidency affirmed that the head of state is currently undergoing medical monitoring and evaluation.

“The president will continue with his activities and will work for the benefit of the country, and he will do so by taking the necessary measures to safeguard his health. In addition, it will be isolated from all public activity, so all communication will be done remotely, ”added the Office of the President.

The Guatemalan government also said that the president’s case is one more sign of the highly contagious nature of the virus and that citizens should continue with preventive health measures such as the use of masks, hand washing and social distancing.

According to the Ministry of Health, Guatemala has registered 84,344 cases and 3,076 deaths from the virus to date.Named
