GRS victory in Sabah state elections: what this means for Prime Minister Muhyiddin and politics at the federal level


KOTA KINABALU: The Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) coalition led by Malaysian Prime Minister successfully overthrew the Warisan Plus state government led by Chief Minister Shafie Apdal, after winning state elections on Saturday (September 26).

Of the 73 contested seats, the GRS coalition parties won 38, giving the alliance the simple majority it needs to form a new state government. Warisan Plus took 32 seats and independent candidates won the remaining three seats.

As of Sunday afternoon (September 27), the parties of the GRS component, including Barisan Nasional (BN), Perikatan Nasional (PN), and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), have not announced the identity of Sabah’s next chief minister. , the person who will lead the new state government.

READ: Sabah’s head of state asks for more time to decide on the post of prime minister

Despite the delay, analysts the CNA spoke with said the results have already sent waves at the federal level.

Here’s how the GRS victory in Saturday’s election could affect Malaysia’s political scene in the short term:


Mr. Muhyiddin spent many days campaigning in Sabah on behalf of GRS. He urged Sabah residents to vote for GRS by presenting a manifesto that promised more jobs, funds to develop infrastructure and more support for the poor.

In the middle of the campaign, Mr. Muhyiddin also announced the “Kita Prihatin” package, which would provide financial aid worth RM10 billion (US $ 2.4 billion) in the form of cash aid, small business assistance and a plan. of wage subsidies to help Malaysians. overcome the pandemic.

Muhyiddin and Sabah residents

Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin poses with Sabah residents in Luyang. (Photo: Prime Minister’s Office)

Associate Professor Ahmad Martadha Mohamed, who heads the Governance and Integrity Group at the School of Law, Government and International Studies at Universti Utara Malaysia, said the results indicated that Sabahans supported Muhyiddin’s leadership and what he was offering to the people.

“Although GRS did not win comfortably, it is a clear and simple majority. This is a strong sign that the Sabahans have supported the coalition under his leadership and will continue to support his credibility as prime minister, ”he said.

Dr Romzi Ationg, a political researcher at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah, said victories won by the GRS component parties demonstrated that locals, many of whom are struggling to make a living in an economy ravaged by the coronavirus, supported the aid. financial and Mr. Muhyiddin’s programs. promised.

“The common people of Sabah, many of whom are poor, are impressed with his performance at the helm of this country amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It has implemented good economic programs and the Movement Control Order has reduced the number of COVID-19 cases in the country, ”said Dr. Romzi.

Dr Oh Ei Sun, Senior Researcher at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, noted that Muhyiddin’s message that the Sabah state government should be run in line with the federal government resonated with Sabah voters.

“Now that GRS has won, it is easier for Sabah to manage development. Sabah voters were fully aware of this and wanted development in the state. The message was received loud and clear, ”said Dr. Oh.

READ: Anwar claims parliamentary majority: What are the possible implications for the Malaysian political scene?


Analysts also said the results were a boost to Muhyiddin’s position as prime minister amid political uncertainty at the federal level, after opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim announced on Wednesday that he had obtained a “strong, formidable majority. and convincing “from Members of Parliament. to overthrow the current government.

Muhyiddin cast doubt on Anwar’s claim, noting that the PKR chairman ignored MPs who were supposedly backing him.

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim speaks during a press conference at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur on September 23, 2020 (Photo: AFP / Mohd Rasfan).

Dr. Oh said the GRS victory has poured cold water on Anwar’s plan to wrest control of the federal government.

“I think that regardless of the results in Sabah, Anwar’s attempt to take over the federal government never seemed positive,” said Dr. Oh.

“But with these results, with his party only winning two seats, the idea that Anwar was crying wolf, and that everything is empty talk, is further consolidated,” he added.

Associate Professor Ahmad Martadha said that even before the results of Saturday’s elections were announced, large coalitions in the federal government, such as Gabungan Parti Sarawak, had already denied that their lawmakers endorsed Anwar.

He noted that only BN President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had said that many BN MPs had expressed their support for Mr. Anwar.

“Now they could stop supporting Anwar after seeing how Muhyiddin led GRS to victory in Sabah,” said adjunct professor Ahmad Martadha.


Analysts also projected that the results have given Muhyiddin and his Perikitan Nasional coalition more leverage against their allies in the federal government, Barisan Nasional.

Associate Professor Ahmad Martadha said the Sabah results showed that Muhyiddin’s Perikatan Nasional coalition won 17 seats while Barisan only managed 14.

Sabah Political Coat 03

President of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Muhyiddin Yassin (third from right) praying together with Sabah Bersatu chief Hajiji Noor (third from left, in red), and the leader of the United Malaysia National Organization of Sabah, Abdul Rahman Dahlan (second from right) during the nomination day of the Sabah state elections on September 12, 2020 (Photo: Facebook / Muhyiddin Yassin)

He predicted this will give Muhyiddin’s coalition a head start by appointing Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Sabah head Hajiji Mohd Noor as the next top minister in the coming days.

“When the prime minister first nominated Hajiji to be the next chief minister during the campaign, there was some skepticism, especially from BN who wanted to nominate Bung Moktar (Radin) instead. “But with PN winning more seats, and with Parti Bersatu Sabah probably behind them, I think Hajiji will definitely now be the prime minister,” said associate professor Ahmad Martadha.


Dr Oh opined that strong support for Muhyiddin’s Perikatan Nasional in Sabah would “strengthen his hand” in the upcoming general election.

“Now that PN is doing quite well, he can take on UMNO in the negotiation of seats and he can be pretty confident that GE will win,” said Dr. Oh.

During the course of the campaign in Sabah, Mr. Muhyiddin also hinted that a first 15 general elections could be held if GRS wins the Sabah elections.

Sabah Voting Elections

Sabah residents voting in the state elections on September 26, 2020 (Photo: Amir Yusof)

Both Dr. Oh and Adjunct Professor Ahmad Martadha agreed that this will likely happen in the short term, now that Muhyiddin has been fueled by a victory in Sabah.

The latter predicted that the polls will likely be called in January 2021.

“Parliament will meet in November when Muhyiddin will present the federal budget and MPs will debate that. December is a very difficult time to hold elections because the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia will suffer from the effects of the northeast monsoon and there will be floods and other problems, ”said Associate Professor Ahmad Martadha.

“The best time to call will be January, when the COVID-19 situation in Malaysia may have stabilized,” he added.
