Green Travel Bubble: No Individual Police Permits Needed For Domestic Tourists Traveling In Groups, Says Nancy Shukri


KUALA LUMPUR: National tourists traveling in a group under registered travel agencies between green areas do not need to apply for individual police permits, says Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri.

She said on Monday (November 23) that travel agencies only need to apply for a group police permit for tourism purposes.

Nancy also announced several vacation packages and relaxation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to encourage Malaysians in green areas to travel to other green areas.

There are also special packages for the 1.6 million employees.

Nancy said the Ministry of Tourism was working in conjunction with local airlines such as MAS, Firefly and AirAsia, as well as with various tourism service providers such as hotels and commercial portals.

“Those who travel in a group under a registered agency do not need to apply for individual police permits, unlike families or individuals who travel on their own.

“We encourage those in green areas to venture into other green areas. The intention of this exercise is purely for the recovery of the economy and as part of the economic stimulus packages for this year.”

“We also want to allow people to visit tourist sites in green areas,” said Nancy.

He said that from January to June 2020, the national tourism industry suffered a loss of revenue of around $ 45 billion and there was a drastic drop in the number of tourists as the borders remained closed.

Nancy also said that for those traveling for tourism purposes from green zone to green zone, the vehicles can be at full capacity, as opposed to those in the red or yellow zones which only allow three people in a private vehicle for all purposes.

“If it is for internal tourism purposes, the vehicle may be at full capacity to travel from the green zone to the green zone.

“All travel arrangements must be made by travel agencies and individual tourists throughout the trip. They should not stop anywhere in the red or yellow zones throughout the trip, neither at RnR nor at gas stations.

“It is the total responsibility of travel agencies to ensure that all tourists in their groups are Covid-19 free. If a case occurs during the trip, then the SOPs of the Ministry of Health will be activated,” he said. Nancy

Current SOPs for the domestic travel bubble include monitoring the temperature at all times, registration using the My Sejahtera app, and travel agencies must prepare nurses for cases of illness.

On November 20, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri said that those residing in the green zone states and districts will be able to travel during the holidays starting Sunday (November 22) to boost the tourism industry.

He said that the special meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) had heard a proposal presented by the Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture on a green travel bubble to help national tourism, which has been seriously affected by the Covid pandemic. 19.

“We have agreed to allow this, but this is only for those who live in green states or districts and the destination must also be in the green zones,” the defense minister said on Friday (Nov 20).
