Gigabyte accidentally confirms the existence of GeForce RTX 3070 16GB, RTX 3080 20GB


NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 30 series was recently launched, and its GeForce RTX 3080 hit the global market less than a week ago. To make matters more interesting, one of the brand’s AiB partners, Gigabyte, may have accidentally missed the existence of three other cards: the GeForce RTX 3060, 16GB RTX 3070, and 20GB RTX 3080.


All three unreleased models were reportedly listed on Gigabyte’s AORUS product page, and unsurprisingly, the model numbers seem to indicate that the cards will be released under three SKUs. Including Eagle, Vision and Gaming lineups. As for the supposed RTX 3060, you will notice that there is an “S” in its name. It is not clear if the letter means “Super” or something else, but it is also important to note that the letter is also found on some versions of the RTX 3070 16GB and RTX 3080 20GB.

The reveal of these cards confirms initial rumors regarding NVIDIA’s goal to release upgraded versions of its current GeForce RTX 30 series lineup, which is a bit strange considering the RTX 3070 won’t hit shelves until next month. . On another note, it is also speculated that while the RTX 3080 20GB obviously comes with a higher graphics memory capacity, it is unknown if NVIDIA will also increase the number of cores on the card in kind.

You can see the list for yourself if you are interested, but you will have to create an account and register with Gigabyte before you will be given access. Also, it’s fair to say that until the cards are released, the names on these cards are still subject to change.

(Source: Gigabyte via Videocardz)
