Get ready to cash in on revenge spending, says Wee


Kuala lumpur: As the world gradually recovers from the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic, “revenge spending” is expected and Malaysia must be ready to seize the opportunity of its economic revival, says Datuk Seri Dr. Wee Ka Siong (Photo).

The MCA president said consumers would make up for lost time with a surge of people going out to party and shop, dine and travel after the lengthy suppression during the various stages of the motion control order.

“All of this will help reactivate the service, retail, tourism and manufacturing industries,” he said yesterday at the opening of the party’s 67th annual general meeting.

Dr Wee said that while challenges and uncertainties would continue to exist in a post-pandemic economy, it would also be a crucial time for economic rebound and revival.

“Many countries are looking at this golden opportunity when planning immunization programs.

“They make it possible to prioritize vaccination in essential services so that important sectors can be opened before other countries.

“This is to ensure that those with the upper hand move the country’s economy to a full revival with minimal effort.

“Our country must not be left behind or we will lose the golden opportunity for economic recovery,” he said.

Dr Wee also said that although the Perikatan Nasional government governed by a simple majority, most of the members of his cabinet were highly experienced.

“The government may not be perfect, but we have never put people’s lives at risk. We are doing everything possible to ensure that their livelihoods and economy are not affected, ”he said.

Dr. Wee called on lawmakers on both sides of the division to prioritize economic recovery.

“Both parties must use all resources and use our strengths to help people and the business community. The most urgent task is to put aside political differences to protect lives and livelihoods.

“This will help us adapt to a post-pandemic era to start over and move towards a better future,” he said.
