Friends devastated upon learning of the murder


SIBU: Irene Chung’s friends (photo) here who first heard about her abduction in Taiwan are devastated to hear that she has been killed.

One of Chung’s best friends broke down, unable to accept that she was gone.

“I still can’t believe she is gone from my life. I lost a best friend, a family member and a sister in Christ, ”said the friend who declined to be identified due to the nature of the case.

Chung, 24, a business administration student at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan, was found dead on Friday, with news reports saying she was missing since Wednesday.

An initial police investigation determined that Chung had been kidnapped.

A man, who was arrested Thursday in connection with the case, confessed to the murder.

According to the friend, they were a group of five very close friends who met nine years ago during a church activity.

“We are very close, so close that we do not treat each other as friends, but as sisters born into different families,” she said, adding that when they first learned of Chung’s disappearance, they thought she would still be safe.

A youth ministry advisor for Sibu Wesley Methodist Church, Umie Liau, said Chung was a cheerful person who got along well with people.

“I’ve known her since she was on Form 1 in 2009. I was very close to her and her mother, who is in the church’s women’s ministry,” Liau said, adding that at every Chinese New Year celebration, Chung joined others, including Liau and her daughter, Joyce, also 24, for visits.

The last time they met was last year when Chung returned from Taiwan during his semester hiatus.

She said that when Chung was reported missing on Wednesday night, she immediately made all the church members pray.

“So when the news of his death came on Friday, it hurt me deeply and I cried.

“I quickly called her mom and told her I was sorry for her.

“I also told her that I would visit her once I return from Taiwan,” Liau said, adding that Chung was being trained as one of the church’s youth ministry leaders.

Chung’s parents flew to Taiwan yesterday under special arrangements facilitated by the Federation of Taiwan University Alumni Associations, Malaysia, which allows them to skip the 14-day quarantine through a special entry pass.
