Friend or enemy? PAS must decide, says the head of the Youth of Umno


Umno Youth leader Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki has asked the PAS to commit “before going to war.”

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth Chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki says that the PAS must choose once and for all whether it will side with its party or with the PPBM in the next general election.

Asyraf said the PAS decision was necessary given that PPBM president Muhyiddin Yassin had indicated that his party would not give up for seats, but would compete for all the seats that Umno had contested.

Asyraf said that Umno will continue to defend and strengthen Muafakat Nasional (his alliance with PAS). However, “with (Muhyiddin) saying that PPBM would be placed in all the seats contested by Umno, will (PAS) be with us or otherwise?” he said.

“This is important because before we go to war, we must know who our enemies and our friends are, and the friends who do not stab us in the back, but who will be with us until the end,” he said at the end of the wing’s discussions. youth at the general assembly of Umno today.

Citing the debates that took place throughout the day, Asyraf said it appeared that the entire youth wing agreed with the Supreme Council’s earlier decision to sever ties with PPBM once Parliament is dissolved.

He called on the party to offer Malaysians a “new deal” to win over voters, and said Umno Youth would form various committees to investigate the issues it can advocate for.

He also praised the youth wing for exemplifying to Umno’s top leaders how solidarity and unity within the party were key.

Learn from the Umno Youth model. We may have differences of opinion but we never shoot at our own feet. Look for yourself, there were no statements from Umno Youth members attacking each other. The party must learn from this. Umno needs to strengthen the party and enter the arena in a strong and honorable way, ”he said.

‘Stop shooting yourself in the foot’

Shahril Hamdan.

Umno’s chief of information, Shahril Hamdan, urged party members to stop their internal disputes, urging everyone to work for unity.

“I urge our elders to stop shooting each other in the foot. Aren’t you the ones who taught us what is right and what is wrong …? And what is wrong is not at all wrong, “he said while addressing the general assembly.

Shahril further urged the Umno leaders to prioritize the party’s agenda rather than looking at the personal agenda, as every statement made by the party’s leadership creates an impact.

“As long as the internal problems between our figures (leaders) are not resolved. As long as the statements are contradictory and confusing, we will be stuck in second gear, ”he said.

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