Freudian slip over Kamala Harris reveals racist stereotypes


YOUR OPINION | “The narrative is that all the Indians and Chinese in this country will always be ‘pendatang.’

TV3 apologizes for calling Kamala Harris the daughter of ‘illegal immigrant from India’

BusinessFirst: For some in this country, when someone like the elected vice president of the United States, Kamala Devi Harris, is elected to a high position, they feel insecure.

Because there is a fear of drawing attention to the fact that in this land where “everyone is equal but some are more equal than others”, if you tried to install an Indian or Chinese as Vice Prime Minister, there would be an uproar.

Indeed, the appointment of a non-Malaysian finance minister and a non-Malaysian attorney general in 2018 sparked complaints about how the rights of some had been “challenged” and “undermined”.

So when they see Kamala elected, their first reaction is “Alamak!”, Which is curiously her name spelled backwards.

Perhaps it is a kind of Freudian slip because, for some, an Indian woman cannot be anything other than a poor illegal immigrant as opposed to a very intelligent scientist. Not surprising as these types of role models don’t seem to be promoted in Malaysia.

Congratulations USA for showing young women that it doesn’t matter if they are Indian, Chinese, Malaysian or Indigenous, that the sky is the limit and they do not believe their role in life is to be Doraemon, illegal immigrant or otherwise.

Gerard Lourdesamy: TV3 is like Fox News. His narrative is that all Indians and Chinese in this country, even if there are four or five generations here, will always be considered as ‘pendatang’.

Racial supremacy is their creed. Equal rights and equal treatment are viewed with disdain. Minorities must be viewed with suspicion and distrust. No wonder, we are a failed democracy.

I hope that President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Devi Harris will be prudent in their dealings with the Malaysian government, given that 30 percent of the population is effectively viewed as second-class citizens with truncated rights and freedoms that limit and they restrict their participation in public services, the public economy, and public universities.

Ignorance of TV3 is evidence of systemic racism in this country under the guise of constitutionalism and a questionable social construction. Of course, for saying this I will be asked to return to India.

Prominority: Kamala’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was a legitimate US citizen and worked as a cancer researcher in California. These are facts.

Doing it like Shyamala as a “pendatang tanpa izin dari India” (illegal immigrant from India) is malicious reporting.

Kamala has shown that anyone born in the United States (regardless of race) can be a potential president of that nation.

OceanMaster: In fact, the news and use of the term “illegal immigrant from India” is deliberate. There is no way they missed it.

As journalists and reporters for a national television channel, who we believe that we have minimal competence and experience to choose the right words and verify the facts, it is obvious.

This is an act of malice and engages in pure racism. This incident must be investigated by the authorities and action must be taken against the perpetrators. It’s so embarrassing.

Dizzer: @OceanMaster, I agree and disagree. There are criminal law, but without him mens rea. For these people, using the word ‘pendatang’ is automatic: Kamala is Indian, therefore it must be ‘pendatang’. She is an immigrant, therefore she cannot be legal.

There is no malice in that. It is just a thoughtless reflection brought into your consciousness from childhood. So, it was deliberate, but not deliberate, if you understand me.

Also, I do not want this to “be investigated by the authorities” who are the true creators, instigators and perpetuators of all this nonsense.

Quigonbond: Was it really involuntary? Kamala is a threat to Malaysia’s sexist / racist / religious male / Malay / Muslim politics.

Imagine if she visits Malaysia, what would the old men in Umno and PAS say that doesn’t sound like a forked tongue?

Be a man: In some people’s minds, all immigrants are illegal.

Even if an immigrant goes to a country illegally, any civilized country must recognize that its native-born children should have a place in the sun and should not be punished for the sins of the parents.

EM: Like I said a while ago. reading the various news reports (and now this latest TV3 newscast) about Kamala harris And all that he has accomplished in multiracial America triggers a comparison of his history with what happened in another multiracial country when a Lim Guan Eng was appointed finance minister and a Tommy Thomas was appointed attorney general.

The crude and uncivilized reaction of Malaysian politicians and their unschooled followers nailed the myth about tolerance and forever buried their multiracial brand.

If the gang now in power had their way, they would do their best to erase the country’s multicultural past, even drop the pretense of acceptance to establish their supremacy in everything that has no consequences for nation-building: the love of ostentation, crude displays of power, fear and false religiosity perched like a badly adjusted toupee on a bald head.

And if you think that’s an exaggeration, consider the overt racism embedded in the selfish “Budget.”

Where will the failed TV3 be if it does not remind Malaysians that it is made up of semi-literate people whose only qualification for being there is mind-boggling stupidity anchored in ‘ketuanana’ vulgarity?

New day: @MS, Jasa (Department of Special Affairs) will come to the rescue. Now I know what the 85.5 million RM is for: to fix all other communication problems.

Why didn’t they say so? All problems around Jasa could have easily been resolved.

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