Former SAPP vice president resigns from party, citing differences of opinion


KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Vice Chairman Datuk Melanie Chia says he resigned from the party after joining the National Alliance.

Chia, who submitted her resignation letter on August 19, felt that the current leadership of the party had deviated from its initial focus of defending Sabah’s rights and autonomy.

Chia cited differences of opinion as the main reasons for her resignation.

“It was not an easy decision to make and it had given me many sleepless nights struggling because, after all, this is a party that I had helped build,” said Chia, a former assistant to the minister of state and assemblyman from Luyang.

“I will not join any political party, but I will continue to do my part for the common good of Sabah and its people.

“For that, I am prepared to work with like-minded people in an alliance that is truly committed to bringing about meaningful change in our beloved country, and Sabah in particular,” she said.

Chia, who is widely speculated to be considering competing with an alliance of independents, said many Malaysians are distraught and disillusioned by the current political situation, not just in Sabah, but in Malaysia as a whole.

“Many said that they may not want to vote in the next election. But we cannot just give up and forget about the situation and abandon the democratic process. We need to get out of this situation of mourning and be more mature and adequately exercise our democratic right.

“Giving up that democratic right is equivalent to accepting a subordinate position that will be even more desperate,” Chia added.
