Former patients share experiences on Facebook to address stigma


KOTA KINABALUHartini Azmi, a 37-year-old former Covid-19 patient, has created a Facebook page under the name ‘Covid-19 Survivor Sabah’ to remove stigma in society towards former Covid-19 patients.

The Facebook page shares the experiences of Covid-19 patients who have recovered and are back in society, but whose presence is unwelcome.

Hartini, who created the Facebook page last month, said that having experienced the situation herself, she felt the need to make the public aware that ex-Covid-19 patients are not a threat in society, therefore , should not be ‘feared’ or avoided,

The woman, who is from Kampung Maasak, Keningau, shared one of her experiences. It was in a hairdresser where she had to wait a long time for care because the hairdressers there were afraid to comb her hair for fear of catching the Covid-19 virus.

“I waited so long for my hair to be washed, but no one came. It turned out that they were afraid that I might (still) have the virus, ”she told Bernama when contacted here today.

Since the page was created, many Covid-19 patients, including those who have recovered, shared their stories and experiences, and many of the netizens identified with them and their families.

Hartini also started a WhatsApp group to motivate patients, as well as sharing safety tips about their days in quarantine.

Meanwhile, Ella Hipin, 36, from Kampung Bariawa Ulu, Keningau, who also tested positive for Covid-19, as well as some other members of her family, said they were viewed as “angels of death.”

“The pressure from society is more distressing than knowing that she was infected with the Covid-19 virus,” she added.

She said the most painful incident was when she ordered food that was announced by one of her friends on WhatsApp groups.

“When the person found out that the order was from us, they told us that there were no more items we wanted,” he said, adding that a similar situation faced his other relatives who were only people under investigation (PUI). for Covid-19.

Flavia Pius, 38, from Tambunan, said she was emotionally affected when an image of her in an ambulance, after she was found positive for Covid-19, went viral.

“I was really depressed and it made me feel worse when I learned that even the delivery men were afraid to approach my car.

“However, the situation has changed now, probably due to increased public awareness about Covid-19,” he added. -Called
