Former Mardi director killed in attempted robbery


KUALA LUMPUR: A retired director of the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) was killed while his wife was injured after they were attacked by armed robbers who broke into their two-story bungalow. (pix) in Bangsar early today.

Dr. Wan Hassan Wan Embong, 71, who was cut in the face and neck, died at his home in Jalan Mambu, Bukit Bandaraya here in the 3.30am incident.

His wife, Sarifah Yusof. who is a retired public school teacher was stabbed in her right hand.

Brickfields, ACP Police Chief Anuar Omar said today that police rushed to the scene after the couple’s daughter alerted them to the robbery around 4 a.m.

He said preliminary investigations showed Wan Hassan was woken up by noise in his kitchen before two thieves confronted him and demanded cash.

“The victim tried to fight the robbers but was cut with a sharp object. His wife was also attacked. Soon after, the thieves escaped through a kitchen window with some valuables that they had stolen from the house. The thieves did not cover their faces during the robbery. ”Annuar said.

He said the paramedics who arrived at the scene declared Wan Hassan dead before taking his wife to the Universiti Malaya Medical Center (UMMC) in an ambulance for treatment of her injuries.

Anuar said that Wan Hassan’s body was sent to UMMC for an autopsy and that police began a search for the perpetrators.

He urged those with information about the case to contact the police at 03-2297 9222.
