Former Deputy Head of PBB Katibas Branch Joins PSB


Wong (center) receives Robertson’s membership form as Andrew (left) watches.

SIBU (October 5): Former Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Former vice president of the Katibas branch, Robertson Mawa, 66, resigned from the party to join Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB).

Robertson, who is a former political secretary to the prime minister, said he decided to resign from PBB after losing confidence in the party.

When Pakatan Harapan (PH) became the government, they tried to separate from Barisan Nasional (BN), thus forming Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

“Now the federal government changed again, they collaborated with Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) and the United Malaya National Organization (Umno) again to form the government,” he told reporters when today.

Robertson said he would not criticize the government-implemented development progress of GPS in his area, but believes that it is about time that people got another platform to ensure there is development in the area, especially road connectivity.

He said that he was in the middle of recruiting the other PBB members in his area to join PSB, which he believed was not difficult.

“This decision to join (PSB) is very recent and we have already started recruiting people from the area to join PSB.

“As I am the key person there, for me to move the members from PBB to PSB; I think it is not difficult, I am very confident ”.

Recognizing that the decision to join PSB from PBB was a difficult one to make, Robertson said he made the decision after studying and watching the PSB fight, which is a feast for all races in Sarawak.

Meanwhile, during his speech at the membership induction ceremony, he assured other PSB members, including party chair Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, that he would not return now that he had decided to join PSB.

“Once I have made my decision, there is no going back. Once I made my decision, there is no PBB, no GPS in my mind, “he said.

He said that his task now is to wake up other PBB members to join and support PSB.

Also present at the event was the chairman of the PSB Bawang Assan Bumiputra Unit, Andrew Shilling.
