Forget defections, prepare for the next GE, Anwar said


KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Upko opposition wants opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be policy-oriented and prepare for the upcoming general elections, rather than focus on taking back Putrajaya through defections.

Upko Chairman Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau said in a statement on Thursday (December 17) that it was time for Pakatan Harapan Plus to put aside plans to win back the Federal Government and focus on concrete political ideas for the benefit of the Malaysians.

“In 2021, Pakatan Plus must redo itself from ‘numbers-oriented’ to ‘policy-oriented’,” he said.

“Pakatan Plus must boldly admit its main strategic mistake since February: concentrating on regaining federal power with alleged defections.

“I call on Anwar and the top leaders of all Pakatan Plus parties to sit down and start the discussion on a shadow cabinet and greet the Malaysians on January 1, 2021 with a credible lineup.

“I call on my colleagues at Pakatan Plus to humbly listen to the Malaysians’ longing for an effective and competent opposition that can overcome the government with better policies. If we can do that, we will have a formidable and compelling majority in GE15, “said Madius.

“Personally, as a Tuarano deputy and president of UPKO, I apologize to all Malaysians who have trusted us for not doing enough.

“We will work harder for a stronger Opposition and a rebounding Malaysia in 2021,” Madius said.

He said Pakatan Plus should capitalize on the pool of talents, including former ministers who could develop its political agenda that was in place for the 22 months in Putrajaya.

As the Malay proverb says, ‘Yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran’ (What you pursue you cannot achieve, what you have you lose). The goal of regaining power did not unite Pakatan, but divided it further.

“Our top leaders are fighting over who should be the next prime minister before he gets close to reality,” he added.

Overall, Madius said, a focus on regaining power rather than offering better policies had allowed Perikatan Nasional-Barisan Nasional propagandists to paint Pakatan as a power freak and to hide worse infighting in PN.

“This has greatly hurt many Pakatan Plus fans. If Pakatan Plus does not change, these voters can stay home during GE15, ”he added.

Madius welcomed and supported both Amanah President Mohamad Sabu and DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng in the statement the previous Thursday when both called for a stop to “fooling around with opportunistic government supporters.” .
