Forget about party lines in the final budget vote, say Dr. M and Ku Li


The duo said they were willing to volunteer to help lead the nation, citing their vast experience in government previously.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah have urged MPs to go beyond partisan lines in their vote for the 2021 budget, as the bill of the supply law goes through its third reading in the Dewan Rakyat.

At a joint press conference, they said the country needed a government that genuinely cares about the people and the nation’s development, hinting that the Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration could fall in the vote.

“When the deputies vote for the third reading of the budget, there is a possibility that the government loses. If he loses, I hope that those in Parliament will start to think not of themselves, but of the nation.

“We need a government that is motivated not by what leaders can achieve, but by what they can contribute to the development of the county. That is the goal, ”Mahathir said.

The duo said they were willing to volunteer to help lead the nation, citing their vast experience in government previously.

However, Mahathir maintained that he was not aiming for the post of prime minister when asked repeatedly whether he would take office in the event of the PN government falling, saying this was up to the 222 MPs.

But he was quick to joke: “If everyone supports me, tomorrow I will become prime minister.”

Mahathir said that he and Razaleigh were not asking for MPs to support them. However, he said he would not work with former Prime Minister Najib Razak on any new government setup, although the Pekan deputy may choose to support him.

“We believe that we must restart our policies to develop the country; not for ourselves or for the holidays, but for the country. That is why we are here to work together.

Mahathir said MPs should be responsible for upholding the mandate they were given in the elections, which is to work for the people and not for jobs or wealth.

“We see that we can both make contributions in politics and governance so that our country becomes an Asian tiger again,” said Mahathir.

The pair argued that they were not competing for positions, with Razaleigh, also known as Ku Li, saying they wanted to help the future generation as much as they could.

“We elders can guide and guide them so that their future is better. This is the world of young people, not ours, ”he said.

Ku Li also said that he would not vote for approval of the final budget, although he did not specify whether he would vote against or abstain.

He also dismissed the idea of ​​facing disciplinary action from his party for his stance on the budget, saying he can support whoever he wants.

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