Federal government records RM264,415bil in revenue in 2019


KUALA LUMPUR: The federal government reported revenue of RM264,415 million in 2019, an increase of 13.5% (RM 31,532 million) compared to 2018.

Meanwhile, operating expenses approved last year amounted to RM260.547 billion, while actual spending amounted to RM263.343 billion, said the 2019 Auditor General (AG) Report on the financial status of the federal government released today. .

“Expenses for the national debt (interest, dividends and other charges) amounted to RM32,933 million or 12.5% ​​of operating expenses.

“This expense increased by a total of RM2,386 million or 7.8 percent compared to 2018, which amounted to RM83,050 million because it was not budgeted in the administration allowance, but was paid directly from the Consolidated Loan Account.” , said.

Furthermore, on the development expenditures of federal ministries and departments, the GA said that 54,173 million ringgit was spent or 104.6% of the allocation approved in 2019. – Bernama
