Farmer finds 14.98-carat diamond on rented land


PANNA, INDIA (ANN): A farmer is now a millionaire after collecting a 14.98-carat diamond on land he rented in Panna, India.

Lakhan Yadav noticed the gem when he dug up a handful of dirt on the plot, according to the Times of India yesterday, December 7. Yadav first thought that he had simply found a different stone, but he quickly changed his mind when he cleaned it.

Once he realized it was a rare stone, he took it to a diamond officer, who verified that it was a real diamond. After its appraisal, the gemstone was auctioned for more than 6 million rupees ($ 82,000, P3.9 million) on Saturday, December 5.

As for how he plans to spend his new fortune, he said that he would not go for “anything big” and that he would save it for his children.

“I am not an educated person and I will put the money in a fixed deposit to ensure that my four children have a good education,” Yadav said in the report.

However, Yadav also allowed himself to splurge a little to improve his transportation. His first purchase with the money he earned was a motorcycle that cost 100,000 rupees.

“I bought the motorcycle because my nephews insisted. I was happy with my bike, ”he said.

Following the life-changing find, Yadav has decided to continue digging the land and their lease may be renewed.

Yadav has also purchased two hectares of land and two buffaloes using compensation he received from Panna National Park. The park had displaced him and his family to make room for a tiger reserve, according to the Environmental Justice Atlas.

Apart from Yadav, three other men also found their own diamonds in the last 10 days. – Philippine Daily Inquirer / Asia News Network
