Famous preacher Da’i Syed pleads not guilty to sex crimes, on bail


PETALING JAYA: Famous preacher Da’i Syed (photo) has sought trial on two counts of sex crimes involving a 22-year-old college student.

The 25-year-old, whose full name is Syed Shah Iqmal Syed Mohd Shaiful Jamalullail, was brought to the Court of Sessions here on Thursday (December 10).

He was accused of committing carnal relations against the order of nature against the victim in a unit in Empire City, Damansara Perdana.

The crime was allegedly committed between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. on October 17.

The charge under Section 377B of the Penal Code carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years and lashing, upon conviction.

Dai ‘Syed has pleaded not guilty after the charge was read before the Session Court Judge, Faiz Dziyauddin.

Deputy Prosecutor P. Vitiya Monisha did not offer bail on the grounds that the crime allegedly committed by the defendant was a felony.

“The defendant also faces other cases and he and the victim know each other.

“There is a possibility that the defendant may harass the victim,” he said.

However, Vitiya Monisha said that if the court allowed bail, the prosecution would propose bail of RM100,000 with additional conditions, that is, the defendant must report to the nearest police station and refrain from approaching the victim.

Da’i Syed’s attorney, Syed Amirul Syed Edros, argued that while this was a non-bail offense, the court still has discretion to grant the defendant bail.

“The defendant has cooperated fully throughout the investigation. He voluntarily went to the police station without protest,” Syed Amirul said.

The lawyer asked that his client be granted a minimum bond, as Da’i Syed no longer has an income since the pandemic.

The court then posted a bond of RM20,000 in a guarantee and imposed additional conditions.

Da’i Syed was told to report to the nearest police station monthly and not to approach the victim until the case was resolved.

The case is set to be mentioned on February 19 of next year.

He was later taken to Magistrates Court to face another charge under Section 354 of the Penal Code.

Dai ‘Syed has pleaded not guilty to using criminal force with the intention of insulting the modesty of the same victim at the same time and place.

He faces a prison term of up to 10 years, or a fine, or flogging, or two of the penalties, if convicted.

Assistant District Attorney Zamriah Zarifah Aris told the court that the defendant’s famous preacher status was not an excuse for him to be released on bail.

Meanwhile, Syed Amirul asked the court to allow bail and said his client has been supporting his mother after his father left the family in 2017.

Magistrate Mohamad Ikhwan Mohd Nasir allowed a 5,000 ringgit bail on bail and set February 19 for his mention.

He is expected to face another charge in the Shah Alam Session Court.
