Family living in a car gets a house


GEORGE TOWN: Security guard S. Ganesh and his family, who have been living in his car for eight months, finally have a proper roof over their heads.

Yesterday they moved into a Village Housing Project (PPR) unit on the Rifle Range flats here.

“My family and I are overwhelmed with the turn of events.

“We will always be in debt to the state and to all those who helped us during our difficult times,” said Ganesh, 33.

The family of five living in their 30-year-old Proton Saga Aeroback had touched the hearts of many Malaysians when their story was featured in the press and social media last week.

Ganesh, his wife Parameswari, 32, and their three daughters, ages six, three and eight months, had not had a suitable place to live since their squatter house was razed to the ground in a fire in April.

“Aid has been pouring in from Good Samaritans from across the country.

“We are very grateful to everyone,” Ganesh said in his new home after the chairman of the state Housing Committee, Jagdeep Singh Deo, handed him the keys to the unit.

Penang Hindu Association (PHA) president P. Murugiah said that many had reached out to help the family, even those from as far away as the United States and Germany.

“We are not dealing with funding and we have given you Ganesh’s contact number so that you can deal directly with him.

“The response has been great. Now they have a house and can start over,” he said.

The PHA highlighted Ganesh’s plight via social media after he was seen living in the Proton Saga.

Among those who helped out was the famous preacher Ebit Lew, who bought them appliances such as a refrigerator, a television, and a rice cooker.

Jagdeep said that the state government processed Ganesh’s application for a PPR unit in record time as he (Ganesh) had only applied for the unit on Wednesday.

“When Ganesh lost his home to a fire in April, welfare officials offered his family a temporary place to stay. But he turned it down because he wanted to stay with a relative, ”Jagdeep said.

He said it was wrong for the public to conclude that the state was not helping the poor and needy.

“I am deeply concerned about the difficult situation of the family, as it has endured difficulties. The state is always ready to help anyone in such a dire situation.

“Anyone who has lost their home in a natural disaster or fire can come to us directly. They will be served and given a PPR unit even though there are only 999 units available in the state, ”he said.

The chairman of the State Welfare Committee, Phee Boon Poh, said in a statement that the state has always been concerned about the welfare of the people.

The state Department of Social Welfare immediately extended food aid to Ganesh’s family when it became known that they were living in a car, he added.
