Fake News Act Issues Raised in Dewan Rakyat


KUALA LUMPUR: The question of whether the repealed Anti-Fake News Act will be reinstated is one of the questions raised in the Dewan Rakyat today.

Minister of Communications and Multimedia Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah (pix), however, said that for any crime related to fake news and social media abuse, offenders would face charges under existing laws.

Laws include the Penal Code [Act 574]; Printing and Publications Act of 1984 [Act 301]; and Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 [Act 588].

He said this is after the Fake News (Repeal) Law 2020 (Law 825) was published on January 30.

The matter was raised by Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim (BN-Arau) during the question and answer session.

Shahidan also wanted to know the mechanism of the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia to curb the spread of fake news, especially about Covid-19.

The text of Saifuddin’s response was read by Vice Minister of Education II Datuk Dr. Mah Hang shortly after the minister was informed last night that he would not be allowed into the room today after undergoing the Covid swab test. -19 a few days before the time. framework stipulated by Parliament.

Saifuddin’s swab test result was negative, while Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin was also not present, as he had a scheduled doctor’s appointment.

On the mechanism, Saiffuddin said that the ministry through its agencies such as RTM, the Information Department, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and Bernama will continue to provide accurate information on government policies.

He said the government was also implementing the Info On Wheels Program, as well as campaigns through print and electronic media and the distribution of brochures on Covid-19 in an effort to curb the spread of fake news.

“Over a million Covid-19 related brochures have also been provided in multiple languages, including Iban and Kadazan,” he said.

Saifuddin said another effort is to share authentic information on all official ministry social media platforms and a total of 987 information posts from the Ministry of Health, RTM and Bernama have been shared to date. – Called
