Fake and seditious news on the rise, says Interior Minister


KUALA LUMPUR: The spread of false information and seditious news is becoming more rampant with 262 investigative documents (IP) open so far this year, says Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin.

The Interior Minister said that such cases touched the sensibilities of society.

“According to statistics, there is a growing trend of seditious cases in 2018 and 2019 involving crimes against various entities, including royalties, race, religion, sovereignty, and special privileges.

“These entities are protected by the Federal Constitution,” he said in a statement on Thursday (May 14).

Referring to the upward trend in cases, Hamzah said nine IPs were opened in 2017, followed by 31 IPs in 2018 and 78 IPs last year.

“This shows a significant increase in cases in the last three years.

“As of May 11, authorities opened a total of 262 IPs to investigate the spread of false and seditious news that caused public distress.

“We are taking the matter seriously as such cases can disrupt public order and security,” Hamzah said.

The ministry will not hesitate to take measures based on existing laws, including the Penal Code, the Communications and Multimedia Act of 1998 and the Sedition Act of 1948 to preserve peace and harmony, he added.

“We will not commit ourselves against any of the parties that deliberately tries to provoke or interrupt public order and security.

“All parties are advised not to issue or disseminate false information or seditious news to ensure the safety of society,” said Hamzah.
