Extend loan moratorium, allow EPF withdrawal, Barisan urges prime minister


PETALING JAYA: Ahead of the 2021 Budget presentation, Barisan Nasional leaders are asking the Prime Minister to consider measures to help the B40 and M40 groups cope with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their livelihoods.

Barisan President Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi proposed that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin consider extending the moratorium period on loans, as well as allowing taxpayers to withdraw a certain amount of savings from the Employee Provident Fund ( EPF) to meet the challenges.

“We propose that the moratorium period be extended for another six months for qualified individuals in groups B40 and M40 and allow them to conditionally withdraw a certain amount of their savings from Account 1 of the EPF,” it said in a statement Wednesday (4 of November ).

Zahid said 43 ministers, vice ministers and parliamentarians from Barisan presented the proposal during a meeting on Tuesday (Nov. 3) and also agreed to back the budget to be presented on Friday (Nov. 6).

He said they had also agreed to support any bill presented by the government in Parliament.

Hours earlier, Muhyiddin said that the government had studied the proposal to extend the moratorium period that will end on September 30 and discussed the matter with Bank Negara Malaysia and the Malaysian Banking Associations.

He said the government would examine the approach to make the process easier for those who really needed support.

He also said the government was studying suggestions that would allow taxpayers who had been laid off to use Account 1 of their EPF.
