Explain where MP’s denial of RM10mil offer came from, MACC said


Saifudin Nasution claims that Natrah Ismail did not mention an offer of RM10mil to MACC and wants to know why the agency came out with a refusal.

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) needs to clarify its statement about Sekijang MP Natrah Ismail, who denies that she was offered RM 10 million to switch parties, and also why she rushed to issue the denial, general secretary of PKR. Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said.

At a press conference after the launch of the party’s “Community Alert” campaign this morning, Saifuddin questioned where the denial came from, stating that Natrah did not discuss numbers during his meeting with MACC yesterday.

“MACC was quick to issue a statement on its denial of an accusation that it was offered RM10 million, even before conducting an investigation,” he said.

Saifuddin added that he would write to MACC chief Azam Baki later this week and request a meeting to discuss the matter further.

When asked how many PKR MPs had approached or how much had been offered to jump ship, Saifuddin said the group would wait for MACC’s response first.

Natrah previously filed a report with MACC against two people, including a “Datuk Seri”, who had asked him to support Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in exchange for “benefits.”

MACC then issued a statement last night saying that Natrah had “confirmed that there was no offer of a RM10 million bribe as alleged on the Facebook account under the name Ops Johor,” adding that he would continue to investigate the matter with various witnesses.

Meanwhile, the leader of the opposition, Anwar Ibrahim, said that the component parties of Pakatan Harapan (PH) were negotiating the allocation of seats for the next general elections.

He added that the issue of cooperation with Umno had not been raised, but reiterated that PH was willing to work with any party that was aligned with the principles of the coalition.

Commenting on whether he still had the numbers to form a new government after two PKR MPs left the party, Anwar said: “If you understand simple math, you can conclude yourself.”

“The loss of two does not mean the gain of a few others. It will not join the majority, ”he said, adding that the Perikatan Nasional administration’s practice of luring MPs to join them was“ immoral, unethical and illegal ”.
