EXO Kyungsoo or BTS JIN? Who is better? ARMY and EXO-L are at odds trying to show it.


It all started when a kpop fan made a tweet (it has since been deleted) comparing a “high note” performed by BTS JIN and EXO DO.

Chaos and arguments began and both sides began to compare their favorites by mentioning their achievements in an attempt to “defend” their beloved idols.

Multiple tweets and lots of words thrown by both parties ended up trending Seokjin and Kyungsoo on Twitter trending.

A few hours later, fans on both sides acknowledged that this fan war was the dumbest thing to happen in recent times, as both idols are talented and skilled in their respective careers as well as individual accomplishments.

It should be noted that Jin attended DO’s movie premiere a few years ago and has even tweeted it. One of those rare friendships, we might say.

Jin’s tweet says that he cried 5 times while watching “Pure Love,” an emotional melodrama starring Kyungsoo and Kim So-hyun.
